Boardgame culling: managing the ongoing slo-mo cardboard explosion happening inside your home!

This past Saturday I loaded up three large bags of games that I wasn’t playing anymore and drove 30 minutes to a board game swap held in the basement of the church. I stayed for two hours and actually had fun and got invited to a couple of separate weekly groups. My goal was to come back with cash, fewer games and perhaps a game or two that I didn’t have but was interested in.

This was the outcome:

Traded away or sold:
City of Kings
Aeons End War Eternal
One Deck Dungeon
Space Hulk: Death Angel
Tiny Epic Mechs

Traded for or bought:
Terraforming Mars
Flashpoint Fire Rescue
Hostage Negotiator with a bunch of bonus packs
Wingspan NIS*
Welcome to…*
Truffle Shuffle*
Mice and Mystics*

I had been ambivalent about going but now I’m glad I did. Gone are games I wasn’t going to touch again, and came back with a variety of games new to me. The final four incoming games, the ones with asterisks, were grabbed as family games for wife and daughter. Some games I’d brought to unload, such as Folklore: the Affliction, drew no interest and came back with me. And cash-wise, I came out $55 in the positive, even factoring in a $10 donation to the church. And more importantly, it was a ton of fun trading and browsing and hanging out.