Boardgame Tables

I’m sure you could, in fact I know one on these very forums who may fit that bill, and they’re local.

I’ve seen his work too. @Tman has made impressive stuff.

Thanks for the shout out @CraigM!

Where do you live Brooski? I’m in PDX and do a lot of custom stuff. While I’ve never done a gaming table before, it would be pretty tame to some of the things I’ve done and it’d be fun to do one for the experience.

Here’s an outdoor table (under a nice roof) that some friend of mine commissioned - they use it for eating & gaming. Pretty cool!

That table will be mine!!!

Hey @Tman — that’s incredibly cool! You and @CraigM and @Exodor and @David2 (the crew we’ve gamed with here in PDX) should come over and see the new space and we can talk about what might work. And of course play some games.

It sounds like you have things figured out, but I wanted to mention for anyone who might be interested in the same thing that there’s a list of board game table manufacturers on BGG:

They are pretty expensive, and I’m glad that I was able to hold off back when I was previously looking into them more seriously. I had a local carpenter that I was talking to about making one years ago, but after I sent him some online references he didn’t seem interested for some reason.

Out of the list above, the last one I seriously considered was the Table of Ultimate Gaming. It’s not heirloom quality like a lot of the sites, but the prices were much more reasonable for what I was looking at.

One thing I’ll mention, if you think you’ll be getting a table which uses leaves to cover the vault, make sure you look closely at how deep the vault itself is when covered and with a mat underneath. A few of the places I looked had very little clearance with the cover on, such that a lot of the games with miniatures/standees would have required laying them down before putting the cover on.

Oh, and if you do go the custom or DIY route and are looking for ideas, this thread has a ton of tables that people have made on their own:

Thanks for all that info, @Gedd! I should have known that BGG would have a compilation of boardgame table info somewhere.

Late to the party but we have a Jasper on the way - with accessories it came to about $1000.

At that price I’m a little concerned about the quality but my wife was willing to take the risk. It’s due to arrive some time in May so I’ll try to remember to update the thread when it arrives.

Damn, there’s a Spanish company with tables at $1600 and under (the most expensive one fits 3 wargame maps long side to long side). My wife is gonna hate you, guys.

I am calling bull-shot on this. Nobody would ever, EVER use a dice tower while playing Project Elite.

But man, I would absolutely love to have a game table like that.

Me too, that’s the most deluxe version (lighting strips? wireless phone charging!) but they start at only 1980 Euros before shipping.

Yeah, I’m not an art dealer or anything—I’m not having a boardgame table shipped from Greece. I would like that kind of table with the lighting, though. I think there are US manufacturers who will do it.

Let me know what you think. Someone in my local game group was supposed to be getting one of their tables (I think the higher end Elite), but I haven’t had a chance to ask him about it since then.

I got my Jasper last week, actually.

It seems pretty sturdy, although there are a few creaks when someone leans on it. It had plenty of space for a 4 player Caverna game or Gloomhaven game. It’s nice to keep Gloomhaven partially set up under the dining topper.

Will do. I have a 3x5 topper supposed to be here in May

Actually I forgot I paid for the 2’ extension so it’s 3.5x7 all told

I bought 1/2" plywood, cut it to 4x6, stapled some felt on it and use it as a topper for the larger games. $30. Easy peasy.

My solution for a combination kids play table/ board game table was to take two ikea bin storage units, use brackets to attach them together, then place a sheet of laminated plywood on top to create a single table surface.

Yeah. That not gonna fly.

OK, I moved 'em!

IANAWW, but I’m pretty sure “Baltic birch” is plywood, which could account for a good chunk of the price differential.

I mentioned this thread to my wife, and she told me that famous actor and woodworker Nick Offerman and his small crew build game tables (and other three-dimensional objects). Apparently they are of high quality, and if you can’t go low on the price, why not have the next best person to Ron Swanson build it?