Boardgaming 2022: the year of "point salad really isn't very filling"

Probably fits the bill? Very beer and pretzels and it comes with a spinner!!

Maybe Quartermaster General Cold War? Apart from the obvious two player ones like Twilight Struggle and 13 Days, most of the cold war games I can think of are actually hot war, or post-apocalyptic.
Netrunner is the only hacking game I can think of and it’s not really theme appropriate.

You could have a tic tac toe tournament.

I know some folks who missed on the first print will be pleased to see this. Also seems like they’ll be getting copies into the retail channel – if not with this wave, then the next which should be Q1 or Q2 2023.

So I entered the next level of boardgame nerd this week. I’ve recently started ordering sleeves and sleeving most of my games. Also started downloading rules cheat sheets or other helpful docs for games and laminating them to have ready for reference. My kids and I are pretty casual gamers and don’t play a ton of board games so often we’ll pull out a game that we haven’t played in months. Then I have to spend 10 minutes going back through the rule book just to brush up on things I may have forgotten. I think these sheets will really help with that.

Ya I always print out cheat sheets of all my boardgames when i either order them or receive them. I constantly refer to them as I have so many games and constantly switch what I want to play. Im a non sleever, tried it, hated it.

Yep. Cheat sheets are super helpful. Good move.

I’m also a sleever. So no judgment there either. :)

I sleeve everything that’s sleeveable in every game! UltraPro matte finish is what I use for all standard sized cards. Protects the cards and keeps the glare down.

I wish they would make the boxes with just a little more room where cards are stored so when you sleeve them they would fit better. Some have been ok, others not so much and I’ve had to come up with other ways to store them.

Rookie move, sleeving only what’s “sleeveable”. Sleeve it all! Sleeve the boxes, sleeve the instructions, sleeve the tokens! Sleeve the dice!


Sleeve the players.

Sleeve the sleeves.

I was going to make fun of you sleeving peeps… but then I realize I geeked up all my Quacks tokens, bought new boxes for Splendor and Exploding Kittens, a box insert for Codenames and Codenames Duet, and custom playerboards for Gloomhaven.

I guess I don’t have space to talk

I like the sleeves just because I found it easier to shuffle the cards or at the very least I was less worried about bending corners or damaging while shuffling.

A somewhat mixed week. I’m still digging Return to Dark Tower; picked up some rechargeable batteries, which has already proven a good investment. A few weeks back I wrote about a Victorian dating game that was absolutely awful. The designer of Persuasion reached out with the claim that her game was better. And it really is. What a weird little nugget of a game. It does some things with hidden information and action allowance that are unlike anything else out there.

I couldn’t help but think of the Naked Gun:

How was The Wolves?

My kid was somewhat interested in this one.

That’s exactly why I sleeve mine!

Doesn’t everyone double sleeve all their Marvel Champion Cards? : )