Boardgaming in 2017!

Gloomhaven so far. Only the first scenario. 3 times in trying to get down the basics.

I played a three-character solo and succeeded with maybe one last round to spare and only two still participating… I have not decided if that solo group will be permanent, so I have not altered the board.

I played with my 16 and 11 year old daughters. We failed, but I fumbled one of the card playing rules and explained it poorly. We may have won, but my Cragheart was exhausted in the second room.

After the three hour session with my kids, my youngest wanted to immediately try with two players. We survived with her exhausting in the final room and my Brute finishing with no cards to spare.

I have no idea if I may be playing something wrong or what I am doing half the time as I am attempting to NOT agonize every round of combat. I love the game and the interaction of all of the mechanisms. I love the story telling elements as I think they hit the right balance. I do not like to read tons of lore, but I love everything about the way it is all handled in Gloomhaven.

I have a couple guys at work that want to play, however, I am excited that my kids enjoy it enough to continue. I will probably abandon any thoughts of playing solo if it looks like one or both of them will stick with it. Then I’ll run the two parties (kids and work guys) with each affecting the world.