Boardgaming in 2019!

Just wanted to say “thanks!” to all the people here who recommended Concordia as a game for me to introduce to some guests staying for the weekend. It didn’t get pulled out during that gathering, but it did last weekend when two other friends came to visit. It’s surprisingly interesting for a game with four pages of rules and pretty conventional mechanics. I called it a worker placement game, only to have @tomchick have a minor conniption and be all like “just because you pick up and PLACE WORKERS doesn’t make the game WORKER PLACEMENT! Ooooh, I am SO MAD!! Arrrgh!! I’m RAGING right now!!!” So I amended my classification to “point salad” and everything was all right. Our friend @Erik won by doing a bunch of stuff right and then also collecting exactly the right combination of cards at the end to maximize his multipliers. I really liked it, even though it is probably the very definition of “Euro.” It even kind of takes place in Euro. Crazy, huh? Anyway, thanks to @Nightgaunt, @porousnapkin, and @Jorn_Weines for firsting, seconding, and thirding this game. I honestly would never have bought this on my own, but three separate recommendations did the trick. You guys know of what you speak!

We three also played Champions of Midgard, which I quite enjoyed, and Tom and I got in a game of Brass: Birmingham, which I had played before but really liked as well. You know what I’m not sure is such a good game? Champions of Hara, simply because I’m not sure it’s balanced for what it is supposed to do. Although you might say, “Bruce, you can’t balance things that actually happened, because that wouldn’t be historically accurate!” To which I would say, I think someone needs to do more research on what really happened in the world of Champions of Hara.

P.S. Going back to the first gathering where I linked the podcast, we recorded part 2 where we just talked about Pericles. I don’t know when it is going to be posted because I’m not in charge.