Boardgaming in 2019!

Tommy V has openly stated his desire is for the Dice Tower to cover every single game, even in 2019 with 5000 games being released each year. This is obvious when watching the videos: They’re clearly all done in a single take, back-to-back. However it’s also clear they play the game more than once, so even if the videos are hastily done, the gaming-playing doesn’t appear to be when compared with other reviewers.

I’m quite thankful for that approach though, as often they’re the only video on some random game. And they’re also the only ones to bother to have a series saying “If you like Monopoloy/Scrabble/Risk perhaps you’ll like…”

However, I’ve never understood what the point is of all of the “other” dice tower people that aren’t Tom/Zee/Sam. They get minimal viewings and they just confuse the “Dice Tower” brand. There’s millions of them these days and they just spam the subscription feed. (Not that I really pay attention to it)

I forgot about the throat-punch “jokes”! They even had a show with that in the name??

It’s a shame the rulebooks are awful ;)