Boardgaming in 2019!

Re: Near and Far
I don’t know if this helps, but I don’t feel like you need to play it like a campaign at all. You can just jump onto a random map and have fun. There’s a few carry-over things you miss…

  1. Character leveling up - this system feels completely tacked on, unnecessary and uninteresting. I think the game is better ignoring it, so no loss there.
  2. Recurring story characters - Until the end of the game, these aren’t really a big deal and are written more like wink and nods to players playing previously. They have to be because the designers have no idea what story threads players have been pursuing.

I’ve played random maps with friends and it works fine. Some players may be returning on a later map and get to tell the other players context about a story beat. Some are new and just get to enjoy that episode’s story. It doesn’t feel like a campaign game the way a Legacy game does at all.