I went to a midnight showing of this. Maybe it’s because I’m not used to staying up late, but I’m like WTF? I totally got lost on the plot. There are a lot of good things in this Bond, but the plot seems a little silly.
I’m totally grooving on the vibe between Bond and the female lead. I am following the plot all the way up until Bond wins the big poker match. The girl says she has to go help Mathis, who has been an ally. Bond says good-bye but then seconds later stands and says, Mathis! OMG. And Bond starts running after the girl. How does he know Mathis betrayed him? There was an explanation on the beach but I coudln’t hear it.
I don’t get the part about the girl’s motives either. One minute M is telling Bond the bad guys kidnapped her boyfriend so this is why she betrayed Bond. The next minute M is telling Bond that Vesper must have made a deal to save his life back at the ball scratching scene (great scene). I thought she was trying to betray to save her other boyfriend? Did she fall in love with Bond and just decide the boy who was kidnapped was toast?
Why didn’t she just betray the bad guys when it came time to plug the account number into the machine? If she knew she was going to die, what purpose did it serve to Betray Bond? Was this to get the other boyfriend out of jail? If that’s the case, why did she lock herself into the elevator? She didn’t want to live becasue she had betrayed Bond? Seems a might self-indulgent!
I don’t know. I like Bond being a little crazier, but some of this plot seemed like a stretch. Who was Mr White? Who saved Bond and the girl from the ball scratching man? So many questions.