Border, a movie whose title is < 10 characters long.

It’s best if you learn as little as you possibly can about this movie before you see it. Don’t even look up who wrote the story it’s based on, and what else he’s written. Just don’t. You’ll like finding out for yourself afterwards more.

I feel comfortable saying that Eva Malender gives Charlize-Theron-as-Aileen-Wuronos a run for the money, as far as physical ugliness accomplished through movie magic goes. That’s evident from the opening minutes (assuming you already know what she really looks like).

But why this very unattractive woman curls her lip and sniffs the air as travellers walk through her customs post, and what she can smell, and why, is for the movie to tell you, not me. It’s a ride into the dark heart of Sweden, that’s for sure.

I’ll also say that this movie features the ugliest baby since The Devil Thumbs A Ride.