Borderlands 3 - More cel-shaded loot

I still can’t believe how they misinterpreted their analytics on adding new character classes. I’m trying to level up just a single alt and it’s a daunting and tedious slog. So many unskippable cutscenes, so much sitting around waiting while NPCs have their monologues, so many “Talk to Lilith” quest steps (Why don’t you just use the Echo you’ve been using this whole time to talk with, dumbass?).

I highly doubt there’s not an appetite for new classes in this sort of game, it’s just that having to replay the campaign is a chore. This game is desperately in need of “Adventure Mode” once you’ve beaten the campaign with a character. I’d love to be leveling up multiple alts but after my cloud save got eaten again, losing 3 hours of quest progress on my alt, I don’t think I have the stomach for it anymore. It’s more likely that I’ll just set the game aside at this point, which is nuts since I have a severe case of altitis in games like this.