I’m looking to do a story on people who may be bored with the game, although I want both sides. If you play WoW, and played Wrath of the Lich King and wouldn’t mind talking a bit about it via some email questions, PM me or zip me an email.
I quit the game after playing the WotLK beta, so if you’re just talking specifically about WotLK then I guess I don’t qualify, but I imagine any issue anyone had with WotLK pretty much still applies to TBC.
Not necessarily. I think one of the main reasons people are bored with WoW at the moment is that the existing level 80 raid content is “too easy” and there are no new challenges remaining until the Ulduar raid is released in patch 3.1. Contrast that with the last few raid instances in TBC which were so hard that only a tiny fraction of the playerbase got to experience them.
Personally, I’m still really enjoying WoW despite having all the raids on farm-status for several weeks (10-man mode, at least, we don’t often run 25-man raids). Screw the uber poopsock catass players who want content so hard that less than 3% of the WoW population will ever see it. I’m happy with Wrath’s raid difficulty as it is.
I think the fact that Blizzard got rid of the attunements played a part in the instances being “easy.”
I never saw the end bosses for BWL, SSC, TK and BT, until I pugged them at level 80 for the Achievements. A lot of people didn’t get the attunement for SSC and my guild at the time only managed to do SSC after Blizzard dropped the attunement for it.
I wouldn’t say I got bored with it, exactly. There was always something to do and usually it was satisfying if not always “fun”. The problem with WoW was the ungodly and perpetual time commitment it demands, especially post 60. This game is not for anyone planning to do anything else with their life and that’s just wrong.
I don’t know if I’d say I’m really bored with WoW, but I am taking a bit of a break from it right now just to avoid getting too frustrated.
WotLK triggered the explorer/achiever itch in me and lured me back in, but I’d fallen way behind my friends, who were long since level 70 and in high-end gear while my warrior was still 36 (I probably should have just transferred my 66 priest from another server, but it felt too redundant with a friend with an uber-geared priest already). I spent most of my time since WotLK launched just leveling up and working through the rest of the BC content that I hadn’t yet seen with my priest, and even now I’m still only 71.
I did everything solo along the way partly since there were always too many solo quests to be done, and partly because I’d been shying away from pickup groups after getting constantly spammed with the most moronic group and guild invites. The intent was to play with my friends, but they haven’t been available either, since they’re always getting dragged away to do guild stuff.
So, when I finally reached the WotLK areas, I sat back and realized that I’d developed a level 71 prot warrior that’s never actually tanked in an instance, trying to catch up to friends I can’t play with in a guild that’s not interested in me and what the hell am I doing here??? I did still enjoy soloing in WoW, but there’s still only so many “go kill X of Y” quests I can take before it becomes stale (the reason I’d abandoned my 66 priest in the first place), so I’m now on a bit of a break to let my interest ‘recharge’ a bit.
I’m thrilled to say that I’m bored with WoW. Canceled my account a little while ago after playing Lich King for a bit and realizing I wasn’t enjoying myself. I sincerely hope my disenchantment remains, because I want that monkey off my back already.
I was having a fun time slowly leveling up to 80 (I’m L76 right now). One of my main mods (Macaroon) doesn’t work after Tuesday’s patch and I don’t have it in my to find, learn, and configure a different buttonbar mod, so instead I’m waiting until the mod is fixed.
I go waaay overboard tweaking my GUI, usually spending 5-12 hours just setting up the GUI where I like it and how keys are bound, so any change is a painful process for me.
I guess I’m bored, but not of WoW, because I can’t play WoW. I doubt this helps. ;[
I’m happy for you. After a couple of weeks, all that time you spent playing and paying for WoW will be like a distant memory. Once in a while you’re remember some moment that you treasure, something that wouldn’t have been possible had you never played, but for the most part you’ll wondering why you ever spent so much time playing in the first place.
Actually, what you described was pretty much how raiding has always worked. Doable content to start, getting progressively (infuriatingly) harder, introducing gear checks to make sure you ran previous content dozens of times for enough DPS/HPS, like a good little paying ant.
The only difference now appears to be that the content is more accessible from the start, and it only took 4 years for Blizzard to learn that this is a good thing!
The best part of WoW to me is quitting – I always feel like a million bucks when I do it. Every time!
(The above is true, but I think it is really sticking this time. I’m at an age where I value time far, far more than money and WoW (and all MMOs) are way out of whack on the time v. fun scale.)
I’m kind of bored… I liked being a casual raider that had tough fights, and was happy killing Illidan before 3.0 came out, but like 10 months after the elitists.
Now we’ve killed everything possible and is farming it once night a week since over a month.
I got bored with WoW around level 43, long before Burning Crusade even came out. I cancelled my account back in September of 2005. But Lich King looks cool enough that despite that and my incredibly low opinion of Blizzard’s account admin department, I’m being sucked back in.
Of course, to see WotLK content I’m going to have to get through 1-70* first. We’ll see how that goes.
*This is the reason for my extremely low opinion of Account Admin.
I already found various changes from patch 3.0.8 that cater even more to the casual players:
additional rep with Sons of Hodir by handing in Relicts that are BoE now (were soulbound)
Fast opening of containers (quest items) and veins
Grobbulus got a nerf in Naxx 10 (poison clouds tick far less)
Heroic Oculus end boss has been nerfed as well (my opinion)
less HP and less damage
Certain achievements have been made easier by asking for less quests / increasing time to do them
Cooking daily quest requirements have been nerfed (4 Northern Stews instead of 12)
Alchemy requirements have been nerfed (Cooldowns and materials). Same for enchanting.
Each point alone doesn’t look so bad however them combined + the already too easy expansion content makes the game trivial.
Now to the expansion:
Leveling is too easy because quests are chained automatically. Once you accept a quest often 2-3 others “light up” that are done in the same area or ask for drops from quest mobs.
Reputation is gained too easily / too fast with the tabards + daily quests.
Some BOE blues are the best non-raid items and easily aquired from the AH. Example: Runic Dark Mantle for warlocks.
Instances / raids are too easy. No need to buff with food / potions.
No need for attunements to anything but Malygos (and then only one in raid needs to be attuned). Trash is aoe’d and hardly any use for cc
Deathknights are overpowered + get mounts, gold and first levels in totally easy mode. No need to know about speccs for leveling. Take what you want and go.
Gold is too easily aquired. Same with gathering. No need to sell anything on AH. Banks are full with shit that is not used.
My personal situation:
a) Rogue, lvl 80 (main):
Geared in badge gear + T7 + Naxx items. Needs 2 more items from Naxx + 2 optional. Needs 1-2 items from OS 25, 2 T 7.5 items from VoA 25. Will need the OH from Malygos once we tackle him (still missing HOT healers).
Exalted with everyone but Oracles:
Current activities:
Doing cooking daily to get 8 more badges for recipes
Doing Oracle dailies to get exalted (9-10 days remaining)
Running Naxx 10, OS 25, VoA 25
Waiting for Malygos
Doing achievements
Play time needed per week: 8-10 hours (unless he does Naxx)
b) Warlock, lvl 80 (Alt):
geared in badge gear, blues and some Naxx 10 items. Could use 4-5 items from Heroics, 4-5 items from Naxx, 2x T7 from VoA 10 and 2 x T7.5 from VoA 25. 1 item from OS 25. Malygod once we do it.
Close to be exalted with all important factions in WoTLK.
Current activities:
Running Heroic UK, UP, VH, Old Kingdom for items / rep.
Getting exalted with Ebon Blade (15000/21000)
Getting exalted with Kau’lak (12000/21000) with quests in Howling Fjord to go
Getting exalted with Sons of Hodir (1240/21000) without using Relics
Doing transmutes and Research to discover Alchemy recipes
Running Naxx 10
Running VoA 10
Running VoA 25
Running OS 10
Running OS 25
Waiting for Malygos
My situation after this weekend will be:
Cooking daily for 5 more days
Heroic UK, UP, VH, Old Kingdom if my drop luck / dice roll luck sucks
Oracles for 1 more week
Sons of Hodir for 1 more week
Transmutions / research (maybe some farming depending on luck)
Raiding 1-2 days and pugging 25 man content
Achievements in the old worlds for main
My situation in 2-3 weeks will be:
Transmutions / research (maybe some farming) if my luck sucks
Raiding 1-2 days and pugging 25 man content
Switching from Oracles to Frenzyheart and back for rep item (bottle / egg) until the items drop (pet, mount, item to turn into Wolfar)
Hopefully tackle Malygos and then put him on farm
Running Sister dailies in Stormpeaks for mount drop / Troll Patrol daily for trinket / look for Time-Lost Proto-Drake (to do at least something)