Breaking Bad

Whatever the Shwartzes do, it’s going to be iron clad. It has to be. They have the TWO best hit men this side of the Mississippi on their ass. Yo!

If they don’t deliver, they’ll have their guts beamed into space.

Now I want a spinoff where this somehow inspires Badger and Skinny Pete to clean up their act and BECOME the two best hit men this side of the Mississippi.

Internet theory: Walt actually froze to death in the Volvo. Everything we see from the moment he finds the keys on is his dying fantasy.

First, I doubt it would come to their attention. Further, the kid is clean, the company is clean, the kid is clearly special needs - even if they hear about it, what are they going to do? Grey Matter even unwittingly established the excuse for a new act of charity. They have 10 months to launder the money - shouldn’t be that big of a problem for a company with that kind of income and resources. Walt chose well in being able to disguise the money. The real problem is getting the Schwartz’s to follow through, and those two clearly don’t have a lot of courage - Walt played the perfect mind game on them. It will work. They’ll rationalize it in the end.

I agree with corsair. I loved it when Elliott faces off with Walt holding the knife and Walt calmly advises: “If that’s the route your going to take, you’re going to need a bigger knife.” He totally earned that line. You can talk about how misguided and evil his transformation has been, but it does come with the perk of believable menace. This is the Walt that knocks.

Thinking about the show, I didn’t completely get the face off with Jesse. Walt slides Jesse the gun and it’s like Jesse is saying that he’ll shoot Walt, but first Walt has to ask for it. What’s that about? There might have been some sort of flashback spliced in there, but I’d have to watch it again to figure it out. I think it was something about Walt saying it was through when he (Walt) said it was through, but it didn’t click on any kind of special significance in my mind.

I’m sorry, but anyone who thinks a 9 million dollar gift doesn’t get noticed and investigated is out of their damned mind. It’s weird enough even WITHOUT one of the parties being the son of a murderous drug kingpin and the other being his former business partners.

"even if they hear about it, what are they going to do? " They are going to seize it and investigate. Jesus, even without the DEA the IRS is going to spin something up on that. It’s WEIRD. It’s not a question of them hiding the source of 9 million dollars (or just using their own money), it’s that the action looks ridiculously suspicious and there is no way it’s going to be missed.

He lost, but he also won. He was a dead man walking from the cancer, so dying wasn’t losing. In fact, he exited life on his own terms, without the indignity of trial and incarceration. He salvaged enough money to provide for his family and came up with a method for getting the money to them in a manner they would accept, exactly as khe intended from the word go. He avenged himself on the Meth Nazis while simultaneously protecting his family from them, and he did it in characteristic Walter White style - blindsiding them with science. He even saved his long-time partner in crime, Jesse, with one last act of humanity, even if he didn’t particularly intend anything of the sort going into the showdown. He got to see his son and daughter one last time, and give Skylar closure. In those senses, yeah, he won.

He lost in that he effectively accomplished all that at a terrible cost. He died alone, unloved and misunderstood by his family, having caused, however unintentionally, the death of a family member, a line he did not want to cross. His name would be poison, and a terrible scar to those he professed to love. That was his punishment.

Overall, yes, he lost. Tactically, he salvaged what he could from a bad situation. Inasmuch as him dying was a given, things ended about as happily as they could.

For instance, he does NOT get to leave his family in a good position, or even anything close to that. Look where they live now! He left his wife with a card to play but what of it? She plays the card and gets out of trouble but now everyone knows she was in on it, hence having a card to play. She might even not be able to get completely out of trouble with it, who knows? The kids will either hate him(oldest) or not know him at all(youngest). He even has to face his selfishness head on. The kids’ money? There are any number of ways they might try to weasel out of that, it’s nowhere near a done deal that they ever deliver. He dies knowing all this was his fault.

Skylar was ultimately complicit. Anything she salvages is better than being in jail. She suggested the murder of Jesse, so not a whole lot of sympathy for Mrs. Scarface. She suffers in purgatory for a year, and then is bailed out by the “compassionate” (scared shitless) Schwartz’s. They’ll follow through - their own guilty consciences and gutlessness will ensure that. The advantages of a bad reputation

So he killed some people. It was one of those ultimately empty gestures that people do to convince themselves there was a purpose or reason. He cannot undo whatever they did to earn their deaths, he won’t be around to see what he accomplished, if anything.

But he had a good time doing it. Job satisfaction. ;-)

So what? It doesn’t matter what the DEA believes, all that matters is what they can prove.

Another serie with a religious end.

What the fuck is wrong with USA? why everything must be “God did it” or “It was a dream”. Any reference to science in the whole serie is void by Walt in the car asking god to let him finish stuff. Is another fucking religious ending, like Battlestar galactica and so many USA TV series.

It’s a callback to the similar scene where Walt wants Jessie to leave, but tries to play Jessie into thinking it’s out of concern for Jessie, which is an important scene in itself because it’s really the point where everything starts its final descent between them; Jessie demands that Walt just say Walt needs him to leave, and Walt won’t do it.

I’m guessing they’re going to establish a trust for the Breakfast God like Walt asked, then put money into it a little at a time. They don’t need to put all 9 million in at once. If they’re just paying for college and the family’s welfare over the course of years I don’t believe it would draw that much attention.

Of course, I’m not even close to being an expert on how trusts are established/handled. So take my input for what it’s worth.

Uh…what religious ending? It couldn’t be less religious…

I feel like I’m watching the Office Space scene on money laundering…

making the assumption from walt’s anguished plea to god that the entire ending was based on religion is a ridiculous leap.

Jesse wanted it to be on Walt, rather than allowing himself to be played into doing what Walt wanted. Walt wasn’t offering him the gun simply because that’s what Jesse wanted, but because it was what Walt wanted. In the end, Jesse was done with Walt, and done with killing, so the best thing he could do was walk away, no matter what Walt’s motivation was for sliding him the gun. Walt may have set him free from the Meth Nazis, but Jesse had to set himself free of Walt, and the best way to do that was not to play his game.

Hey, if the DEA suspects, then the DEA better tread lightly, bitch. Yo! It’s Mr. White we talking about. He always gets away with it. He gets away with everything. I can hear high school chemistry students all over America repeating this same lament.

I agree with most of what you said, but I wanted to point out that he was headed in this direction from the very start. Remember in the first few shows the little talk pillow and how it was all about Skylar and her needs, as she brow beat Walt into chemo? What I got was that this was the reason Walt was able to do what he did. He wanted to be in the driver’s seat. He wanted to take the reins.

I was sad as anyone else to see Hank buy it, but he was a big part of the crew that had Walt relegated to the waste heap when he was teaching and prior to his diagnosis. Sure, Walt’s going out with a bunch of curses on his lips now, but he would have gone out with hardly a ripple the other way. So, it’s all the same in the end. Six of one, half dozen of the other. Same bitch, different dress.

Ah, that makes perfect sense. I remember that scene in the desert now. That was just this season! Thanks for the tip, MrPerson.

That was well said corsair. I totally get it now.

I prefer to believe Walt was channeling Einstein. I’m pretty sure it was Albert whispered in Walt’s ear how to get the money to Rose and Junior, because it was A) brilliant and B) I didn’t see it coming.