Breath of the Wild like Games?

So far, twilight princess is a hit with both my youngest girls - 9 and 6. I am hearing squeals of delight at little things like having a bird and being able to play with dogs and cats. :)

Well, Kingdom Come: Deliverance has both of those, but I guess she’ll have to wait a few years to play. :)


Since it was so frustrating to me, I cheated and watched my friend play through the game instead. But most people don’t have that option. I used the same technique for seeing Resident Evil: Code Veronica all the way through on the Dreamcast. I just couldn’t handle those tank style controls. My friend was really good at that, and he was good at Shadow of the Colossus too.

Dragon Quest Builders or My Time at Portia?

She has played DQB a couple times through and is looking forward to DQB2. Portia I had never heard of it but looks like something she would like. Thanks.