Brexit, aka, the UK Becomes a Clown Car of the Highest Order

Because you’re only considering step 1 of their plan…

Ah jeez, we’re going around this circle again are we?
Saying that all Brexit supporters are racists is as equally ridiculous as saying that all Muslims are terrorists.


yawn :)

No it’s the same as saying all Trump supporters are racists, which at this stage of his presidency, they are.

This isn’t 2016 anymore. Proclamations of innocence and denialism aren’t going to work. No one wants to wilfully inflict pain, misery and suffering on others for blue passports or sovereignty or what ever crypto-racist bullshit you want to lie about. If you weren’t in the Gillette and #metoo threads waving the flag for your alt right beliefs I might have a bit of sympathy but you are, and I don’t.

Soverignity is not crypto-racist bullshit.

I like free movement.

I think blue passports are stupid.

I think the sovereignty issue alone is crucial. The EU wants to go somewhere the British people don’t want to go, and although the EU structure makes its process to that destination achingly slow, it also makes it irreversible.

I wasn’t in favour of leave, but you can’t make the sovereignty issue go away just by smearing people who talk about it.

Most don’t care about it. Most couldnt even define sovereignty. It’s about as important to Brexit as North Korean nukes are to Trump’s wall.

“Actually, it’s about sovreignty.”

“Actually, it’s about ethics in gaming journalism.”

Yup. Especially since the only concrete part of sovereignty they can all agree on is stopping immigrants.

Thing is, even if somehow the decision is made to stop immigrants, a lot of British Muslims were born here.

Ergo British as anyone else on. This island.

Ergo immigration = non sequitur.

So confused.

Anyway, I’m not sure if this is wholly accurate or fair, but I enjoyed it anyway.

Of course, stopping immigrants is the first step on a path that leads eventually to death camps.

Noone said it was logical

I think there was sense of profound disquiet about it, especially after what happened with Lisbon. Less in terms of specifics and more in terms of “how much power does the UK government have, and how much do unelected bureaucrats in Brussels have”. Now, while the “unelected bureaucrats” line is an unfair caricature of EU processes, it represents the truth that accountability and democratic control of EU structures is somewhat tenuous. At the same time whatever the democratic legitimacy of the EU structures, there was certainly a belief that power had been transferred to the EU by stealth. Clearly the official leave campaign felt this was the case, as they played on it a lot with their campaigning.

Ultimately the idea that sovereignty was irrelevant to the leave vote is just as ridiculous as the idea that racism was irrelevant to the leave vote.

Ultimately since I believe that the way the UK signed the Lisbon treaty was fundamentally undemocratic then being told that I can’t talk about that because I might help racists makes me see the person saying that as a totalitarian, rather than their opponents as racists - and this is true even if I already think their most vocal opponents are racists.

Whatever, without 5 million votes from 14 word-white-supremacists there wouldn’t be a Brexit. Its an ethno-nationalist xenophobic hard right project. That people turn a blind eye to this and wilfully ally with millions of hardcore racists doesn’t absolve them of responsibility. They are prepared to sell minorities down the river and empower the ethno-nationalist supremacists to achieve their goals.(ie “all we voted for was to make the trains run on time”) Fuck them all.


I don’t want to argue against you, because you have a different perspective and no doubt your experiences render it a valid one, experiences I lack.

But, on the face of it, what you are saying is a bit…well…extreme!

I know at least 2 people who voted Brexit, and strongly suspect quite a few other associates did so too.

One is a very reasonable, lovely guy who is in training to join the church. He said trade deals.

The other quoted EU diktats (I alluded to him earlier, several posts ago.)

Now, the first guy is most assuredly not a racist, and the 2nd guy had 2 kids with an Indian lady, so I wouldn’t call him a racist either.

Now, I am not saying you are wrong, only saying that my limited exposure to specific brexiteers doesn’t quite fit the picture you paint.

If they aren’t racists they are racist enablers and/or apologists.

5 million people voted due to insane fears of loss of white culture, of loss of white supremacy, due to fear of foreigners, due to hatred of immigrants. 7 million people stood with them and enabled the 5 million to achieve their goals. None of these people can achieve their goals without an alliance and joint venture with racists. If they were too niaive or too stupid or wilfully blind that’s not an excuse, because two years on, with a MASSIVE rise in the far right they STILL stand with the racists, despite knowing what damage it will cause, despite knowing what it has done to racism in this country, they STILL want Brexit.

Fuck them all. They are people who watch what has gone on for the last few years in the White House and still vote for Trump anyway. They enable and empower the worst political movements in our life time.

Like i mentioned, perhaps 90% of Germany’s voters didnt want to liquidate half of Europe, but they listened to the campaign rhetoric of hate, scapegoating and blame and voted for the Man Who Will Make The Trains Run On Time And Give Me A Job anyway. No one is blameless, no one can dodge this, they are responsible for their actions, they made a wilful, conscious decision to tick that box in the privacy of the booth.

Not really. It is a representative democracy. They are not required to vote the way you want them to. They do the job as they see fit, and if you dont agree with the results vote someone else in.

Jesus only 10 days away and still a mess.

The UK might be worse than even me at waiting till the last minute. WTF.

Currently predicting the Tories somehow get their 3-month extension from the EU, and then utterly fail to accomplish anything during that time except possibly, just possibly they might ditch May for someone who turns out to be even worse.

Meanwhile Corbyn will be doing whatever it is he does instead of coming up with meaningful opposition policy. No doubt most of his time will be spent not-so-subtly undermining every effort to cancel Brexit entirely.