Brexit, aka, the UK Becomes a Clown Car of the Highest Order

Again, outsider here, but it feels to me like you’re looking for an excuse to vote Conservative. “I don’t think the party that’s been out of power for most of a decade would have done this one thing” seems to be the thinnest of reasons. Weren’t Labour against the biggest boondoogle the UK has seen in the last however-many years (Brexit)? In my book, that alone would be enough to vote the Conservatives out.

Please, don’t take this as an attack, I appreciate the perspective and reasoning. All I know about the UK is what I read in the papers.

Not taken as an attack.

Labour were very tepid on Brexit under Corbyn.

Seems Corbyn wanted out of the EU.

Cameron, who called the referendum wanted in.

Theresa May wanted in.

Boris Johnson wanted in but led the campaign for out, hoping it would lose and he would be able to capitalise on the loss and present himself as a marytr.

I think only Farage was a true believer, and he promptly got German citizenship for his kids apparently.

The A1 was a pita. Lots of stoppages with the gas parts.

The A2 and A3 are pretty good though.

This was fixed several years ago…

I always thought it looked cool in games, though. Who cares if it actually works!

Well, I guess the PBI who have to carry it…

Much like with the M-16 the meme lives on.

Also it took the Brits a whole decade to unfuck their rifle vs the 4 years of the M-16, though they weren’t in a war, so there was probably less pressure to do so.

Oddly enough, creating really reliable and effective military tools is often a difficult, time-consuming, and expensive process that doesn’t always get it right out of the gate. Who knew?

Colloquially known as “the civil servant”, it doesn’t work and you can’t fire it…

Aren’t large parts of the Trumpiverse busy prostrating themselves before Viktor Orban and the Hungarian right-wing?

Quality work by the PA photographer yesterday:

Yank brain keeps parsing that as Pennsylvania photographer. Just so I can get it to stop, what’s PA?

Press Association

Thanks! And yeah, that’s a fantastic photo.

Holy shit. That’s devastating for the Tories.

It predicts a majority which is 157 more than the 1997 majority that the first Blair government had.

Yeah Tories are on track to get wiped out.

Which is good because of Brexit etc.

Bad because it represents a fracturing of that voting block, and a shift towards Reform and the Right.

In theory that should result in the Overton window swinging back left, the Tories losing their right wing to Reform and becoming a more sane centre-right party.

Given how things have been going since 2016, I’m not sure they won’t double down on the populism and hand the entire centre to Labour, if they’re willing to take it.

I think there will be the same sort of fight for the soul of the party that Blair had to go through with Labour. Truss clearly trying to position herself as the leader of the right wing element which will severely hamper their efforts I suspect…

Yeah looks like Starmer is busy purging the left, and pushing for the centre, which makes him a conservative maybe?

Meanwhile, these are the candidates available for my vote in the upcoming election.

I am overcome with excitement.

Could be worse, you could have Victoria Prentice as your MP, like I do…

Oh. My. God. It’s like, the exact wording and everything. I can’t…hahaha…my god…