Brexit, aka, the UK Becomes a Clown Car of the Highest Order

John Williams cribbed an awful lot of the Star Wars musical motifs and textures from existing military/naval marches. So I’m unsurprised it’s popular with real navies!

Man. The NHS sure is wasting a lot of money on … treating cancer patients?

That’s a nice trick, just stop treating all the stuff that’s expensive / can be attributed to personal choice (if you hadn’t exposed your skin to sunlight, you wouldn’t have cancer), and soon enough healthcare will be pretty cheap.

Well, I mostly agree when it comes to smoking related illnesses, and maybe even obesity to a point. But you don’t start from the back end (haha! We won’t treat it anymore) but by working on front end policies first (ban smoking, do all the research about how to educate and cultivate a culture of good eating etc, then inch your way to limiting public funds for personal lifestyle choice illnesses)

A new thing I learned today: part of a new term at Hogwarts our parliamentary process involves randomly selecting numbered balls from a glass jar.

But we are modernising some things, leaving Lesotho to go it alone.

The only country besides the UK with a hereditary element in its legislature is Lesotho, according to the University College London Constitution Unit.

It’s great that they are removing people who are sitting in Upper House just because some watery tart lobbed a scimitar at them.

Honestly, the last decade or two of US politics has me reevaluating the whole “farcical aquatic ceremony” concept.

Well in this case, at one of their ancestors.

Let’s be honest, if that actually happened today, as in a verifiable deity chose someone, their legitimacy would be considerable!