Brexit, aka, the UK Becomes a Clown Car of the Highest Order

Yup. I have family members who voted Brexit but also now are complaining about their right of residency in the EU being taken away.

Yes you read that right.

My people are Hobbits.


Perfect! :)

Almost funny :(

This arrangement seems so very Brexit.

I actually think the response to this is a bit overdone. It would be one thing if this were the main contract/route, but it’s not. It’s about reviving a currently not–in-use route, and the reason the company owns no ships and has never run a Channel service before is that it was set up specifically to revive the Ramsgate-Ostend route, separately from Brexit, a few years ago, and is still gearing up to operate it. If, as a government, you’re going to revive the route because of Brexit, it probably makes sense, ceteris paribus, to give the contract to the company that has done the preparatory work and got permissions and so on rather than have someone else have to got through that again, especially given the short notice.

The company is owned by a bunch of establishment types including those sitting in the House of Lords. This is a corrupt wealth transfer from public to private.

Welcome to life under a Tory government.

No deal preparations:

Brexit is no longer a question of whether or not you should shoot yourself in the head, but what calibre bullet you will be forced to use.

Oh, with no-deal and votes approaching the Brexiters have invented an imaginary invasion of brown people (much like Trump’s caravan, just to underline my Brexiters=Trump point to our American readers) to stoke fears of the impending hordes of raping terrorists coming to commit white genocide.

Even conservative commentators know it for anti-immigrant propaganda.

People are going to starve.

Hey at least we get a Cumberbatch dramatization of Brexit on Monday. That’s something good!

There will be adequate food of some sort.

A tale of two classes

It’s a single-celled protein combined with synthetic aminos, vitamins, and minerals. Everything the body needs.

It’s people…

Tastes like a bowl of snot…

I think it tastes like Tasty Wheat.

Time to bring back jellied eels. Their time has come again.