Britney shaved her head

Q F T.

Yea, quit fuckin’ talkin’, indeed.

Why isn’t this in P&R? I mean along with Anna Nicole it’s pretty much all Fox News and CNN are covering in their primetime broadcasts, so it must be the most important news of the day? Right?!?!!1?


On E entertainment today (Was listening while helping mom move furniture), it went form Anna Nicole, to Brittany, BACK to Anna Nicole, BACK to Brittany.

For an entire hour.

Welcome, to America.

That’s fine. For E!, this IS the news. It’s their remit to cover this shit. That’s where it belongs. It’s when it’s showing up on regular cable news channels like it’s actually news-news, that’s when I start to weep.

Or on your favourite gaming forums?

Her eyes stand out more, but damn

she doesn’t have a very smooth looking scalp. Buzz-Cut Natalie Portman style would’ve looked much better on her, not this " Get This Damn Hair Off Me!!1!1!! " look.

Conspiracy theory of the day ( from Fark and other places )… Brit recently checked into a rehab center, then checked out a day later, then did all this. Known for partying lately and in the midst of a possible child custody lawsuit, what could possibly prove a drug history to a court of law?

Man, I miss the days when Britney Spears was prime jerkin’ material. These days, she’d have to pay ME to have sex with her, and I’m definately no catch.

There are too many celebrity shows already. It seems like any time of day, on my basic cable package, I can find at least one playing.

Keep Satan Face away from me! Teh ArgH!

I like bald chicks too.

And now she’s sporting a syrup!

I was QFTing the part about Enduro man winning more than the “move along.”

As well as the hair, the winning bidder will also get the hair clippers Spears used, a blue lighter she left at the salon and the can of Red Bull she was drinking at the time.

We are a sick, sick society. Children of Men was way off, this is how the government controls us.

She has a misshapen, ugly head.

I have it on good authority that she’s playing Mrs. Potatohead in the Broadway version of Toy Story. So everybody try not to lose your shit when she gains fifty pounds and starts wearing muu-muus, she’s just getting into character.

They seem to think they can get a million dollars for it. It’s the Ultimate Britney Spears Experience!

Thank you. While I may have figuratively stuffed and mounted this thread (no snickering), I hope it goes on for another ten or twenty pages. It’s manna from heaven for entertainment news ghouls who, after the Anna Nicole coverage, may be feeling a bit icky. As a bonus, it’s a real head-scratcher for pun-addled tabloid editors. For example:


Oh, that Shavian wit!


Does this mean she’s getting ready to make the highly anticipated GI Jane sequel, or is she making a Sinead O’Connor tribute album?

(Also, suspicions that she was dropped and/or beaten about the head as a child are CONFIRMED.)