Broderlands 2: Bros to Explore Pandora With

I’m game as well. Two Sheds on Steam.

Invite please…timmer…on steam.

There are like 40 timmers. A little help?

invite please… tfernando on steam

Giaddon on Steam. Should only be one.

Indierthanthou on Steam.

I’m in:

I wouldn’t have made it “invite only”.

What rabble are you worried about getting in?

Our group needs an avatar, someone with talent or skills , make it so!

Looking forward to this. “curst” on Steam.

At any rate, hit me with an invite.

triggercut1 on Steam.

I’ll take an invite, please.

Love an invite thank you

Invite, please! Ginger Yellow on Steam.

quick q:
if I purchase borderlands 2 on steam can I play online w Xbox friends? or must I buy it on xbox?

ColonelT on Steam. I crave an invite.

No cross-platform play. PC with PC friends only. Xbox with Xbox friends only. PS3 with PS3 friends only.

I think I’m TheWombat on Steam. At least, that’s what it says, but I have no friends on Steam :(.

please add me! armiger on steam