Broken Forum vanished

I miss the two Jeffs from P&R, Nate from Dominions and Baker from board games. Too bad.

Overall, this split and thread is a pretty awesome display of tribalism and how the net leads to bubbles. Social scientists of cognitive bias would enjoy this natural experiment of how people see what they want to see and discount any opposing viewpt. Hence this validates how bad Qt3 or BF is depending on your viewpt.

I like Tom’s old idea of a living room and ideally thinking of some basic courtesy. Didn’t work and some the host made some mistakes. But everyone is happier sorting themselves.

Exactly. Creating an atmosphere that is exclusionary to half of humanity is never defensible in a public space. Women don’t have add anything “unique” to justify their presence (although they can and do). The fact that they’re just as much a part of our species as men are is reason enough.

And excluding Boo is also indefensible :-).

You are absolutely right. We should tolerate and thoughtfully consider these misogynistic and wrongheaded opinions while making in fun of a group for not being as such. Thank you for setting me on the correct path.

My quick take, which absolutely no one cares about:

I like women. More than I like men, on average. There are unpleasant women, but there are even more unpleasant men. Why in the world would you want to exclude women? Is not being a jerk really so difficult?

I have a hard time understanding why anyone would paint the entirety of QT3 as being “bad” based on this thread, given that the majority of the posters seem to be supportive of the above view. Wasn’t that what Endigm was complaining about earlier, a tendency at BF to paint an entire forum one way, despite the negative viewpoints of a few getting a lot of pushback? The time to condemn an entire forum is when everyone agrees with an unpleasant viewpoint, cheers on bad behavior, or at the very least there’s no one saying “this is bad.”

Everyone loves Brian Rubin. That should be a TV show.

This: the BF Hivemind is quick to anger, but it’s also quick to forgive if you apologize and learn from your mistakes. Apart from outright trolling, certain forms of discourse are strongly discouraged, if not outright verboten.

Like I said upthread, you committed a faux pas and got called on it; everybody moved on. Don’t let it get you down. :)

Wait, is that what he said? I could have sworn he said the opposite. Something along the lines of “don’t assume that because a few have misogynist views that the rest of the forum does.”

You know extremism/absolutism on either side is bad. Piling on people for forums comments isn’t helping either side. Don’t throw people under the bus because of some forum posts. Forums are an inelegant discussion platform, you can’t see any tone of voice, facial expression or any other visual cues. Forum posts are typically not completely thought out and more stream of consciousness discussion. Nobody is running a political platform here, people are playing devil’s advocate and attempting (however bluntly) to discuss some really touchy subjects.

When I was in college I was an RA (I was the cool RA by the way… partially because I was addicted to WoW, and couldn’t bother busting people) and we focused a lot on conflict resolution and diversity. You got a lot of kids from different backgrounds moving in together, you got conflict. When you have a heated discussion with someone it is important to step back and internalize what people are saying. What might ring as ignorant or improper conversation subjects or opinions might be as simple as someone’s inability to succinctly make their point come across. Nobody came from the same background, and nobody is going to have the same perspective on things. Think about that before making judgments of character.

There are some he-man woman haters out there, but they certainly aren’t in the majority of the game-playing public. A vocal, terrible, minority. I seriously doubt anyone here wants less female involvement in gaming, games press, or forums like this one. I think that people from both sides need to chill a bit. We are all basically on the same side here, we all just have slightly different opinions about things. I think that we all want equality, we all want good video games, and we all want to have a good time discussing these things.

Then again this could all be bullshit, and I could be completely wrong.


Jon Rowe - There’s also a lot of teenagers, who are not exactly known for calm and collected thought. I don’t just mean male ones either, some of the teenage backbiting between girls…

Since English is not my first language, it is possible that I do not understand. I said that it is “disappointing to learn the mindset of some of the members here” and thus I do not understand how my post could be construed to be an indictment of the entire forum.

Man, it’s so disheartening to read this. Qt3 is a collection of individuals, and we certainly don’t all share the same perspective. I have a daughter myself, and recoiled at some of the attitudes pervasive in this thread. I see a lot more diversity in the forum than those few strident voices at play here. I hope you’ll reconsider.

I suspect it was the first half of the sentence, where you said “This thread reflects poorly on Qt3.”

FWverylittleIW, I stopped posting here years ago, as I find BF’s higher standard of behavior (e.g. zero tolerance for misogyny, enforced by moderation) to be extremely valuable and rare, especially in a gaming-centered forum. “Don’t throw someone under a bus because of some forum posts” is logically equivalent to saying “hateful opinions are no big deal.” Sorry, but I vehemently disagree, and that’s why BF’s my new home.

The only thing keeping me from abandoning QT3 entirely is that sometimes I really like indulging in some sexist dudebro humor with my QT3 boys. BF is obviously not the place for that. Plus the titles at BF are awful. I can’t stand to be there too much if I have a title from the gods-be-damned Wonderpets.

I agree. It is interesting how there are some very intelligent people who completely ignore how this dynamic shapes their posting patterns.

There are two bushels of apples.

One bushel occasionally has a bad apple that is called out by the other apples (this is a bad metaphor) and then thrown in the garbage by the guy who owns the bushel.

The other bushel has had several rotten apples for years now, and the guy who owns the bushel refuses to get rid of them even after they’ve proven over and over again that they are rotten to the core. If the other good apples ask what it takes to get a bad apple thrown out, they get tossed themselves or met with bizarre passive-aggressive cryptic bullshit by the guy who owns that bushel. Occasionally, some of the remaining good apples will remark on the rapidly putrefying state of the bushel, at which point some idiot libertarian fair-and-balanced type apples will insist that maybe rotten apples are just as valuable to the bushel as good apples and maybe you shouldn’t be so quick to judge the bushel based on a few bad apples and who’s to say that I don’t prefer my apples with worms and fuzzy mold? And even though all the female apples seem to have fled and respectable members of the apple press and apple development industry have left the guy who owns the bushel can sit back in smug contentedness knowing that his bushel is a safe space for rotten apples.\

Again, bad metaphor.

Man, I said I was done with this thread, but one more point:

If you’re coming in from BF to be righteous…just don’t.

I’m seeing male posters over there and coming over here (like Malcolm’s fairly awful post just above this) using “Number of active women participants” as some sort of scoring chit.

Just stop.

Malcom; The first has a very exclusive definition of what an apple is in the first place.

How will we know what’s right and wrong if our betters don’t tell us? :(
Also, we may be on the cusp of ending racism and sexism. So you’re basically interfering with the work of 21st century abolitionists.

I must disagree. The modifier “fairly” seems to understate the awfulness. Unless of course, some of the awfulness of the post is redeemed by the irony of the “idiot” lines of someone of a different viewpoint in a rant about bad and good apples. In that case, I will concur and say it is perhaps redeemable from just plain awful and rising to the level of “fairly awful”.