BSG 36 - A Friend in Need... maybe

Hit is to the Airlock


Margaret Racetrack Edmondson Felix Gaeta
kendra shaw

Ok @Perky_Goth

Yeeaaah didn’t even note where the Pursuit Track was at.

Move: move to 2
Normal Action: move to 1
Expert Pilot: CAG action to activate a mk7 to 2
CAG Bonus Action: 2XO @Snebmi (points at communications)

(this ok?)

Someone should let me shoot later.

@CraigM Move to communication as per Starbuck’s request, then activate it.

@Perky_Goth you have any particular preference for which ones?

The board is out of balance and in grave danger of tilting over, I recommend moving some civvies to 3/5-6 stat.

You’ll get to see them before you move them.

Actually, not really. I’ve a bit of protection, use communications or command as you think works best.
Then watch the crisis screw up your choice (send me to sickbay/etc).

I mean you get to see the two you pick to move, not all of them.

Yeah only Dee gets to do the super special version.

Ok @Snebmi let me know which two you want to look/ move.

Look at 2 of the civvies in 1 @CraigM

Just in case you didn’t see the reply in PM

Ok after some talks, civvies in 2&4 have been checked. And will remain at the moment (there are no safe spots due to raiders)

Requisition for Demetrius

Ok @rowe33

Oh, no jump prep? How sad.

How unexpected.

At least there’s no Cylons on board –

I’ll take the bottom option.

Madam President, any trick up your sleeve that could execute a character?

@CraigM courtesy ping.

Us Cylons are nothing if not courteous.

Getting kids ready for bed ping back.

And here comes the party once I get back.

Uh. Heeeey.

Edit: Also why are you brigging yourself?

His hand sucks?