BSG 38 - This is Our 38th Game in Six Years

I can’t help. Losing fuel is somehow not a big deal

Yeah, not a big deal. They’ll at least bait us though.

Destiny has 2 cards left, if they are the Tactics and Engineering 6’s, I’ll eat my foot.

I can add a bit if we want to avoid negative.

You probably do, you don’t want a PV to flip over.

A DC flip might be in your guy’s favor, though. Toss up.

It would be best but hard to know what you have to spare.

We can both chip in.

Generally I don’t think it’s worth it to avoid negative when we’re low on cards, I’d take the gamble. Dunno though.

If they bait, and then the negative draws pulls another bait, do both resolve? @knightsaber

I recall in the past we treated it as separate, so yes.

No humans have any cards but you. You have to choose if you’re going to try for a non-negative. All by yourself.

Also @rho21 and @rowe33 have to decide if they’re going to spike it, but in order it’s you, then rowe, then rho.

I checked the dynamic rulebook, which says:

  • The effects from cards with the same name are not resolved more than once during this step. Any subsequent duplicates are ignored.

Flipping a treachery on a negative check is a rule Craig and I made up as a house rule.

Why? Because humanity saved all their cards by picking and choosing what to tank and what not to tank.

Ah. I was thinking about if more than one bait are added to the check.

I add 2 cards @rowe33

1 card for me.


0 cards @Knightsaber

I like that house rule, though I think maybe it’s less necessary nowadays with the CFB. I remember those halcyon days when we’d XO the prez non-stop at the Casino, parsecs would fly by with nary a raider.


Tactics: 3SP, 5ASC


Leadership 2XO
Piloting 1FT
Treachery 0B


Destiny was not your friend.

Bait places another civvie in 1.

Total is +5 which is not awful, but still -1 Fuel.

Another Heavy pops into CFB space 7-8

+1 Pursuit Track = @soondifferent has to place a civvie in a space that isn’t 1.

+1 Jump Prep

sector 2 please!

There are 2 civvies left in reserve by the way.

Hold up.