Bush is to blame for the rash of Hurricanes. Who knew?

Now I have no doubt we have caused changes in the world’s climate that have resulted in a tiny statistical increase in temperature over the last few decades. I am pretty sure that Bush’s Kill the Planet policy’s could not start the end of civilization this quickly.

However, there is a panel of scientists and are billboards in Florida to prove it.

Between this and The Day After Tomorrow coming out on DVD, I figure it is all over for BUsh.

They aren’t saying Bush caused them; they’re saying that Bush’s environmental policies have contributed to the conditions that produce hurricanes (as have the policies of any other previous Presidents who have neglected environmental concerns in favor of corporate interest).

Whether that actually TRUE or not I’ll leave up to the forum experts. Climatology ranks very low on my personal list of interests.

I relize that. Any claims that his policies have caused even the most minimal of effects are nuts. Connecting Bush’s name on a billboard is just more insane political gamesmanship which will mislead some. I say anyone who votes for Kerry in Florida be polled and if they use this misleading billboard as reasoning we take away their voting rights.

I relize that. Any claims that his policies have caused even the most minimal of effects are nuts. Connecting Bush’s name on a billboard is just more insane political gamesmanship which will mislead some. I say anyone who votes for Kerry in Florida be polled and if they use this misleading billboard as reasoning we take away their voting rights.[/quote]

How about we just take every Floridian’s voting rights away? The two major parties should break very close to even on votes lost, and Election Day (and the subsequent two months) will be a lot easier for all of us.

I want a picture of the billboard. It’s probably just some words painted on the side of a barn.

I think what would really be easiest is if we let Renquist’s team of doctors decide the election since, in reality, they probably will anyway right?


I’m going to say that pulling out of Kyoto is not “nuts”. And you can argue details with right-wing religio-psuedo-science, but the intention is clear.

Mayer- What do you mean? That “pulling out” of Kyoto caused significant effects? I’d love to see any support for that.

But unintentionally you’re right. Pulling out of Kyoto wasn’t nuts. Staying in Kyoto would’ve been nuts.


Tin foil hat time.

No one is so stunningly stupid that they think any single event causes global warming. How stupid do you have to be to argue that it’s the standard we should be rising to?

You’re probably all smoking “light” cigarettes as well, hoping that it’s those other, harder, smokes that give you the cancer.