But can it Deathblossom?

I don’t think that’s what “convenient” means.

I wants it. SO BADLY.

Where do you put your big gulp and cheetos?

Can we get a solid answer on the death blossom question? My “Buy Now” finger is impatiently waiting to click.

I’m sure that when we hear the price it will dissuade you of that notion.

Well, you know, it’s a trade off. Do I want to eat, or do I want ultimate devastation power? It takes some thought.

In your piehole. Then you play.


We don’t have enough power for Death Blossom!! All we have left is RGB lighting.

Captain, I can only give ye red through orange. The dilithium crystals canna handle yellow through purple.

Not red. Those damned Klingons can’t distinguish it from black. Or was that Vulcans? Hell, I forget.

This thing needs to allow me to switch from a KB+M setup, to a HOTAS & rudder setup, to a racing wheel & pedals setup, at the press of a button. I’d pay good money for that.

I’ve already had sex.
What I HAVEN’T had, is a badass Starfighter seat.

I feel like this chair requires more vertical clearance than i would have in places i would want to put it.

Also, it probably costs like 50k.

I always wonder why companies make this? It has to be about press right? I can’t imagine them selling more than a couple hundred worldwide.

Cool. In case it wasn’t obvious, I was just joking around.

lol, I know dude

How does he know? Is there “something” between the two of you?

Which I guess brings us to other possibles uses for the Thronos…

Anyway, there’s bound to be some gamer girl out there that would use that thing like Yennefer’s stuffed unicorn.

OMG sex during death blossom!