California Gubernatorial Recall Election 2021

I wonder how many votes Gary Coleman got.

According to Wikipedia, 14,242. He came in eighth.

Whatchutalkingabout, Sharpe?

As Republicans go, Faulconer is more of a Romney than a Trump. He’s socially moderate: pro-choice, pro-LGBT, etc. But he still voted for Trump and he’s still a Republican.

I’m glad we have Gloria as Mayor now, but his reluctance to run for mayor in 2014 gave Faulconer a foothold in state politics.

Nothing like a recall election to help open the state’s coffers!

The recall was “started” because the GOP in CA is a complete wreck and loves shenanigans if they can benefit and a recall is the only way they have won the Governor’s office in just about 30 years.

I don’t remember the numbers but IIRC California is actually running in the black right now, which seems rather amazing given the pandemic. Local governments are suffering of course. Probably something to do with the revenue sources each depends on.

Okay, news reports today are putting the budget surplus at $75b.

Which is something you never hear on FOX News and the like. Republicans need California to be a post-apocalyptic hellhole of Mad Max-ian proportions for them to make their ethos work.

How on earth is a family making a max of 75k considered middle class here in California?

Yeah, I’m very curious about that too. Anybody with more knowledge of the local budget situation have an explanation? I’d have thought most states that don’t have balanced budget requirements would be running very steep deficits right now, and those that do would have either slashed spending or raised taxes or both. It’s certainly true of local governments over here. Is it just a question of offloading countercyclical costs and variable revenues on to municipal governments? I don’t recall that being the case during the 2008 crisis, but I could well be wrong.

That’s insane. California’s total budget is on the order of $200b. A $75b surplus is hard to credit. In the governor’s budget summary from January, there was a $5b surplus projected. Not sure where that $75 billion is coming from.

A huge windfall in capital gains taxes made up part of it.

Ah, yes, I guess that would do it. I’m not used to sub-national CGT.

CNN learned nothing from Trump and is giving Caitlyn Jenner free airtime. They are doing an interview where they are barely challenging anything and even throwing in little segments to reinforce her points.

Jenner so far has said pretty much nothing. Giving non answers and simplistic solutions. “No new taxes or regulations” is the closest thing she’s stated close to a policy. Her answers are full of rich people narcissism. She is running for governor because, in her words, she’d wake up every day with nothing to do. She couldn’t even go to a restaurant. Idle rich people problems.

When asked what she would have done differently she weakly states she’d have opened up sooner. An answer which gets no follow up or push back.

When asked about national politics she jibed that she’s just running for governor of California. But when immigration came up, something the governor of California doesn’t have much say in as it is a national issue, now the crisis at the border was one of the big reasons she’s running.

She also dodged on the big lie. She gave a “yes Biden is currently in the white house” type answer (not a direct quote) and dodged around the election issue using the standard “I just want free and fair elections” line.

What the fuck CNN.

You’re probably right, but I’d be more concerned if I could figure out who Jenner’s constituency was.

90 million years from now, when the octopeople study our remains and ruination, the word “Kardashian” will mean the same to their scientists as “Chicxulub” does to ours.

It’s idiots.
And there are a lot of idiots.

By CA law, when the budget surplus hits a certain limit, then part of it has to go back to taxpayers. With $75 billion budget surplus, we are over that limit. It’s great that he’s targeting lower income families for the rebate checks.

So you are wondering how many hard core GOP members, with all their moral superiority feelings, are going to vote for Jenner?

They will vote GOP, whoever that ends up being.

Well, the state (or someone official) did actually announce last week that for the first time California population has dropped. Fox and conservatives have been saying that for years.