Call of Duty: Ghosts leaked

Wow, if Ghosts didn’t have the paid for throwaway high scores like Hardcore Gamer, IGN, & Actiontrip this might actually have scored in the 60’s instead tracking at “74”.

User score is… wow… 2.2! That’s worse than the massive negative campaign to lower RTW2’s score on Metacritic, and nearly matches Simcity V’s abysmal rating of 2.0!

It’s almost like the old original Battlestar Galactica TV series where you see the same 4 fighter combat scenes over and over. OK, maybe not quite that bad:

Jesus, really? That is horrible.

To make it seem more artificially next gen? It’s like the mentality of if you spend more money it has to be better so if it uses more memory/has higher system requirements the engine has to be more advance. Honestly, I’m having a hard time telling if this game looks any better than the previous COD. I’ve played a couple of hours of single and multiplayer now on the PC with everything maxed out. In some places in the campaign things do look a bit nicer but it still feels and looks very much like every other COD engine game compared to frostbite 3 which really looked impressively next gen to me.


I thought it was 64-bit and “next gen” (Well, 2005-Gen, since that was when XP64-bit came out)… turns out it was just … stupid?

Did anyone see the previews of Ghosts and think it was “next-gen” in any real way?

It sounds like a legit reason to me. Maybe some attack vectors were removed from the 64-bit windows API, but couldn’t be removed/fixed for 32-bit because of backwards compatibility reasons.

gave this a 10/10 finishing up with:

INCREDIBLE. This is the pinnacle of our scoring spectrum, reserved for games that truly affect us, that capture our imagination so completely that they affect the standard by which we measure future games.

The #1 response to this just made me laugh so loud:

Ryan Mc Donagh • 2 days ago −
I’m surprised you could see the keyboard with which you typed this review, given that your head is firmly stuck up Activision’s anus.

Boo hoo.

CFO Dennis Durkin had this to say during Activision’s earnings call:

“Today, we announced that we had shipped into retail more than $1bn of Call of Duty: Ghosts globally on day one based on an average wholesale price. As expected, due to the console transition and digital distribution, this number is down versus last year.

“This year, the sell-through curve will be different than in past years due to the multiple launches of new hardware later in the month and more days between our launch and the high-volume Black Friday at the end of the month.”