Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - 2019's soft reboot of CoD

Ground War is just Domination on steroids. And I found it significantly worse than any Battlefield game I’ve ever played. I mean, I rather go back to World War 3 than playing more of this.

First of all, killstreaks with 64 players is just the worst. They’re popping off left and right all the fucking time. One thing I like about BF is the downtime between battles, but this is just spawn, kill/die, repeat. The map I played on was also too small for a mode like this, so people were spawning all over the place.

On the other hand, NVG mode is cool, but I want that with something else than TDM (the worst mode). Also, where did Realism mode go?

But gameplay wise, this is probably the best I’ve felt about CoD since Modern Warfare 2 (or maybe BLOPS 2).