Call of the Wild, Harrison Ford and a CGI Animated Dog

I saw the trailer for this in front of Ford vs Ferrari. My brother has read the book, he thought it looked very promising. I’ve never read the book, I thought it looked kind of cool.

Maybe it’s Harrison Ford. Have we ever seen him work with animals?

Okay, the FX are all probably in the early stage, but movies do not do themselves any favors whenever they feature such crappy CG in their trailers. It’s really hard to take them seriously. See CATS for a textbook example of this.

I read the book when I was a kid, and this does kind of look cool to me too.

Why do you want people to have nightmares?

I won’t even watch the trailer of Call of the Wild. The thumbnail already looks creepy enough.

He flies a spaceship with one in Star Wars.

My buddy went to see Cats for tweet fuel, and said the elderly ladies in front of him complained about Harrison Ford’s unkempt hair during this trailer.

He also said they emphatically asserted that Idris Elba is attractive.

Well, he is a very handsome man.

It’s not often you hear that from people wearing cat ears, though.

Caught this trailer before Star Wars. Turns out the uncanny valley absolutely can apply to dogs. Dear lord, did it look awful.

This is why the new Dr Doolittle TV spots look perfectly fine, the animals are obviously fake as fuck so your brain is never tricked into seeing anything but bad CGI.

I liked the movie. It’s not only the dog that’s CGI… all of them are. It’s not really distracting, but it is hard to say whether or not it will hold up against the test of time. The human expressions on the animals can be… unusual enough to be strange, but only at first.

The age for the audience of this movie seems up there which means we all got to play musical chairs, again, because older people can’t seem to figure out how to read numbers on the seat, but they’re always convinced I’m wrong. I have yet to be wrong, and the woman who counted the chairs from the end didn’t understand it starts with No. 3, not No. 1… ugh.

I have seen a lot of male dogs in my time. It was interesting that Buck could sire all those puppies and without any ‘male dog equipment’.

I don’t think anyone has delved into the study of dog genitalia in movies, yet. I am sure there is a lot we’d find surprising though!

I always thought White Fang was a much better story than Call of the Wild having read both, but will eventually watch the movie since my bride wants to see it.

This showed up on HBO Max. I tried watching, made it about 15 minutes. I don’t know how viewers are supposed to feel any kind of feelings for this weird animated dog “interacting” with all these real humans around him.

The same way we handle all the talking animal movies. You just suspend some belief and be thankful it’s not Cujo.

3D animated Cujo is gonna have some junk.