Can you disinfect a toothbrush?

… and yet, people who floss have lower incidents of heart disease. I know, correlation and all that, but still :).

I always thought tooth-brushes were a one-time use thing. Which is why I never understood electric toothbrushes. Seriously, you’re going to stick a used BRUSH back in your mouth?
Next you’ll tell me you reuse silverware.

Who’s arguing against flossing? I’m not saying people should stop cleaning themselves, just that not everything needs to be 100% sterile.

I kept getting Tonsillitis back-to-back, my doc had me throw away my toothbrush. For a common cold/flu, its probably no big deal.

As for disinfecting, do the same thing I did for my mouthguards, you just soak them in your mouthwash for a couple hours. (had the benefit of making your mouthguard minty fresh)

Aw yeah I am such a proponent of that theory.

I thought they narrowed down some of the allergic reactions to actually being linked to a common soap ingredient, and those with higher amounts of triclosan in their system were more likely to have allergies:

Or is that all hogwash?

That’s due to the plaque organisms. Not sure if they survive long outside the mouth.

If what this guy says is true, I can only conclude that once you use a toothbrush for more than a week, it spontaneously generates AIDS.

Wrap your toothbrush in moldy bread.

I fully support this method.

Buy a new one.

I sometimes get the impression that my wife thinks reading Quarter to Three is a waste of time. Then I come across threads like this and I can’t decide whether they challenge or reinforce that notion.

I get the impression that your wife is a waste of time.

Oh. Kay.

Replace the head. If you’re super paranoid, just use an alcohol wipe on the handle.

I don’t see why you couldn’t submerge it into hydrogen peroxide for like 30 seconds, then rinse it thoroughly and let it dry. I mean honestly you could probably even dip it in bleach, and if any were left behind after a thorough rinse it breaks down into water salt and oxygen when left in the open environment for a few hours. Don’t spend money when you can educate yourself instead :)


Apologies then @FrankMCG! Overwhelmingly around here, new fresh accounts whose first post includes a link, are spammers.