Canada Corner

Apparently she does have a lot of followers.

Election is called for Sept. 20.

I just did my usual Vote Compass thing and got my fairly typical results even with all the new questions. My results place me between the Liberals and the NDP. I do somewhat favour Singh as a leader I’d be willing to offer a chance to govern, but the LPC’s policies are more in line with mine.

I continue to surprise myself with how much my views align with the Bloc’s. Minus the whole separation thing, of course.

I can’t say that I’m thrilled to be going to the polls with a Delta variant driven fourth wave looming (two unvaccinated kids under 12 at home), but at least it’s only 36 days of campaigning.

Yeah 36 days is a blessing. I’m not up for a marathon US-style campaign.

I’m surprised how socially conservative I am!

I landed just left of the center line and slightly progressive (by Canadian standards)

I couldn’t effectively answer some of the questions because of ignorance, but I ended up landing exactly where the Green party is (hopefully the Canadian Greens aren’t anything like they are in the US, but it looks like they’ve lost a lot of ground and will have only one seat in Parliament, alas)

From googling current polling, it doesn’t’ look like the Conservatives have any chance of winning, but at the same time the Liberals will likely end up in coalition gov’t with the NDP?

Maybe. They just freaked a lot of people out by almost removing all covid restrictions & mandatory isolations in Alberta. I expect them to poll better in a week or so.

Unlikely to be any coalition, it will just be another minority government.

Polling seems to indicate that the Liberals are just shy of a majority but the margin of error is huge. I’m thinking the Libs must have internal numbers that indicate they have a good chance of a majority or this is all a waste of time.

I guess it’s all about how you expect the polling numbers to move. I think a lot of Canadian voters haven’t thought about it too much until now - maybe the Liberals have some data that once weekly attached people take a hard look at the alternatives, they will gravitate to the Liberals?

Related to this 2021 national election: O’Toole and the Conservatives won’t commit to its candidates (and their workers) to being vaccinated. Instead they want to do daily ($50-150/ea) rapid tests on the taxpayer dime.

This tracks to the Conservative grift train since many of their donors and friends have secured the contracts for (uncovered by public health coverage) rapid testing like here in Alberta where they plan to shut down all contact tracing, asymptomatic testing and requiring isolation if tested positive.

It’s the Trump plan: the numbers can’t go up if you stop testing.

I thought Alberta had backtracked on dropping all the contract tracing, testing etc. because of the surning numbers from delta.

They have delayed it for six weeks due to protests from parents and nurses. The grift bread crumbs are still there to the UCP donor having the rapid testing contract after the delay expires.

I think Trudeau should probably be sending a letter of appreciation to Maxime Bernier. Starting a far-right party to siphon off 6-7% support from the Conservatives seems pretty crucial right now. It’s disturbing that O’Toole couldn’t get a “Yes climate change is caused by humans” resolution past his party even with some of the crazies drawn away.

Flip flopping on the assault rifle ban probably didn’t help him with the nutbars either

I actually prefer having a PPC. All the far-right whack-jobs can go spin their wheels over there. Over the next couple elections, the CPC can/should clean up their house and make it uncomfortable for crazy people to align with – and certainly run as a candidate for – the party.

There is a place for sensible conservatism, and the CPC should be that place.

Doesn’t look like the election changed anything. Liberals win a minority government.

Edit: Although it appears Liberals will lose a few seats and NDP will gain a few. Bernier lost his seat but PPC gained voters.

I wonder what internal polls were telling Trudeau’s top advisors prior to the election call. That a majority was in reach? I’m no pollster but I’d look at any pandemic polling and take it with a huge grain of salt.

A huge waste of time and money, and it put X number of election workers and voters at risk? I’m a fairly die hard Liberal voter, and even I think Trudeau deserves to be punished for this. He’s gotta go as leader.

That’s exactly what happened. His team thought they could get a majority and they did think whatever backlash there would be would be temporary. A significant miscalculation for sure.

I don’t know why they couldn’t wait til spring. At least we avoided a conservative government.

I think the Liberal lever-pullers noticed O’toole was making a positive impact, and did the math. Sure, a snap election in the middle of a pandemic, just as a 20-year war was abruptly ended is patently a BAD IDEA, but in their arrogance, they figured it was better to fire off the writ now and at the very least get another four years in power.

I have long held the belief the best thing for Canada is a Liberal minority in Ottawa and a Conservative majority in Ontario, but the pomposity of the Liberal party is stomach-churning. The real unfortunate part is that Trudeau sees this as a mandate, when in fact he should be held to account for his abuses of power, overt as well as covert.

“Abruptly ended” LMFAO.