Can't get to Qt3 website or message boards

Hey Mark and Tom,

I tried email but keep getting bounced. This may sound strange, but no one at TechTV is able to access the Qt3 website. I talked to the net guys and they said they are not blocking access to any websites. Any ideas?

Greg Bemis

sounds like a DNS problem- i’ve had the same problem for 2 weeks until i happened to remove some older DNS servers that seemed to be giving some bogus IP addresses out… Qt3 happened to be one of them, unfortunately.

Try If you can access the site that way, then it’s likely that your ISP needs to update its DNS tables.

If that doesn’t work, let us know.

Though as someone else warned, there can be XXX banners on megaproxy. I only saw one, of some young women enjoying certain types of toys, but definitely a work no-no. It worked OK for me otherwise until my ISP pulled its head out of its posterior, though a bit slow.

Thanks guys! I’ll give it a go tomorrow.

Well, after talking with our IT people, it looks like the Qt3 servers are blocking access from TechTV only when we use IE. I tried using netscape and that worked fine.

Most peculiar…

I access the site with different version of ie, opera, netscape and mozilla without a problem. There are no filters or security blocks in place.

Are you sure someone didn’t edit the host file or locally cache the dns or have some odd setting in the security of IE?

I know the average age of the on air personalites is dropping and finding someone over the age of 21 to ask might be hard, but really that is not the problem.


Thanks for all that help, Chet.