Caves of Qud - "Swap stories with an albino ape mayor"

The overworld is the same every game. There’s a variety of areas that are predesigned as well. The areas within the overworld are all random, which is different than TOME, for instance. In CoQ, a particular square on the overworld is guaranteed to be swampland, but that overworld square represents like 2-4 (I’m not quite sure the exact amount) in game areas that are randomly generated.

The random generation is less interesting here than in other roguelikes. Everything in the game is a lot more player-driven. For example, I feel like items affect your build a lot less than in many other roguelikes, and it’s much more about what mutations / skills you upgrade. That’ll appeal greatly to some players who don’t like the rolling-with-the-punches style game.

Hot damn. Very first character I made after finishing FO4 is kicking all kinds of ass. True human eunuch gunslinger. Pretty low HP and no cool mutations of course, but the fast skill gain means I’ve almost got my pistol skills maxed and got rejoinder for daggers which is really awesome. Also got akimbo revolvers now (And the akimbo skill, so each time I fire it fires both of them at once) and managed to sell a bunch of junk to buy a sharp carbide dagger in Joppa. Heading to the albino apes now, only fiddly part will be food. Probably should take butchery soon.

I’m still new to this game. Is there any way I can get a floating light source or anything else that doesn’t require me to hold a torch in the early game? My Praetorian feels gimped having to unequip the shield to hold torches in dungeons.

One of the first “storyline” quests (I think it is the reward for reaching the second objective set to you, once you cleared the nearby cavern) used to give you a floating light source as a reward. I hope that still holds true. Otherwise, there is a mutation that gives you that, but it is a bit of a point wasted, and requires you to be a mutant.

Regular glowspheres can be equipped in the thrown weapon slot, allowing you to free up that hand for your shield. Often the starting vendor will sell glowspheres and you can often find them as early loot. Floating glowspheres are usually found a bit later on. They go in your ‘floating’ item slot. Outside of that, one of the mutation perks you can get at character creation (for a single point) is night vision, and you don’t need a light source with that (though the light range it gives is a bit lower). If you’re not playing as a mutant then the only other real option is night vision goggles but those are not really early game items.

There is now which has things like a roadmap on development on what’s planned before release next year.

I’m trying to play this game (bought today) in a laptop but I have a feeling it’s designed for a full keyboard with num pad. It’s kinda awkward pressing Shift K to attack north, Shift U for north west or some other keys for a totally unrelated direction! I know I can map them but boy, what a bad first impression it’s giving out.

If you turn on the overlays, I think you can play mostly via mouse.

Ah! Is that a modern UI? Ok, I didn’t know what that implied nor did I try it. Thanks for the tip.

As a laptop rogue addict, when I happen to succumb and purchase one that doesn’t have a numeric pad, I plug the only USB accessory I hold dear:

It’s got that awesome side-effect of even letting you play some from your bed, as a sort of modern spawn to the Intellivision gamepad!

As a mechanical keyboard addict, you are tempting me to spend more money:,rf_numberpad&pid=rf_wc0100

Are those available for Mac, by any chance?

Unfortunately, no. But you can buy those Cherry switches used that do support Mac, I think.

Found one that was dirt cheap, and supposedly Mac compatible:
right on both accounts :D

Only the 2 brackets and the top equal signs do not work by default on a Mac.
You can’t select your mechanical flavor, but oh my, this is still great!

The games does have ‘non-numpad’ keyboard mode as well, in case anyone didn’t know.

Our hijacking of the thread was blurring this fact indeed, sorry!

But it’s more intuitive with Numpad!

The game inspires brilliant minds.

I bought this game long ago. Some day I will give it its due.