CBD oil, does it work?

It seems to be every where lately. A friend was giving it to her dogs for stress on Independence day, I see people I follow online taking it (or giving it to pets), and companies are advertising like crazy for it. I think every Instagram influencer I know of has been sponsored by a CBD company in the last year.

There doesn’t seem to be many studies on it that came to any real conclusions, outside of epilepsy treatment in children. People who take it swear by it though.

Anyone here take it? Does it help with stress, sleep, etc?

I bought a little bottle a couple of years ago in Spokane. It was insanely hot on those summer afternoons without air conditioning, and all I ever got out of it was some four hour naps that left me feeling half dead.

If I take twice as much will it give me a good night’s sleep?

Maybe but uh, if it doubles all the stated effects…

I tried the oil and the gummies for insomnia and anxiety. It didn’t help. At all. Just my anecdata. Oh and my sister in law got some for her dogs, for the 4th. They loved the taste. No help though. Also anecdata of course.

Edit: My personal opinion? When it works, placebo effect. Simply that. The same as homeopathy.

I took a couple gummies to try them out, they gave me a headache and did not help me sleep.

With most of these things, actual over the counter medicine exists and most likely does better.

The thing is, and I tried to explain this to the wife, we have no, zero, zilch, nada idea of what exactly is in the stuff. It might give you a headache because there is a bit of strychnine in it. You get drowsy because they added a little diphenhydramine. It’s like the wild west, nobody is doing any research. You buy it and take your chances.

My wife got the oil and gummies from a guy that knew a guy who sells weed. So obviously a PhD. :)

Short answer: No.
Long answer: Noooooo.

My mother is about to trial it in the coming weeks as an alternative to Opiods & other pain relief medication for her severe arthritis.

It’s only recently become legally available by prescription by federally-certified GPs & Specialists here in Australia, and that supply is heavily regulated & controlled. Even more so the legal products with THC as well, though she does not presently qualify for those.

Will let you know the results, if you are interested?

Certainly. I honestly hope that it will help her.

Just don’t show her this thread. :) Good luck.

For a long time I suffered from a neurological condition that briefly stated causes pain. There is a sizeable community of us on the internet. We talk. There are folks who swear this stuff helped them with their pain w/out the drowsiness of our normal medication. I know that’s hearsay, but I believe that these folks believe it works. There is much discussion about making sure you get it from the right manufacturer.

Never tried the stuff myself. Not able to use it.

I bought some on a whim a few months back and use it occasionally. It’s fine? The effects aren’t super strong, but I find it pleasant and relaxing.

What size dose and have you thought about increasing it?

Who is your supplier? I am curious.

It probably doesn’t work for anything other than certain specific types of epilepsy, and it’s unregulated so you never know what you’re actually ingesting. That said it’s also probably not harmful, and if you like it go for it. Much like taking daily vitamins.

Yes, it only helps with certain types of seizures in children, but it has shown to be very effective for those uses.

We gave it to our dogs yesterday. It’s no panacea, but we think it helps some.

This is a HUGE industry. You can buy CBD-everything these days. I do know people with chronic poison that seem to swear by it, just as you said. Never used it myself.

But as @stusser said, it isn’t regulated, which is why being picky about supplier matters.

Stusser, Stusser, Stusser… I already said it earlier. I’m taking my mouse and going… wait, I live here. I own the fucking house. So where am I going?

Another room!

If you need something like this for pain, this looks to be the future (micro-dosing THC, not sing CBD).

The stuff I have is Green Revolution Relief 1000.