When did the SciFi channel learn how to make such good movies? I was surprised… I thoroughly enjoyed this mini-series (haven’t read any of the follow-on books, and many, many years have passed since I read Dune). Gonna order the DvD so my wife can see it as well, since I slipped and erased episode 1 from the Tivo (oops :(). I just wish they were airing it again.
I watched the original and liked it enough to buy the director’s cut DVD. I liked that SO much that when this one came on, I didn’t want to bother to watch it with 8 million annoying commercials and the scifi bug down in the corner.
So I’m waiting for the director’s cut DVD of this one too. Interesting how the DVD version kind of shot the sequel in the foot for me.
And I’ve heard the complaints about the “fakiness” of the first one, but it really feels like Dune: The Stage Play to me, which is just hunky dory as far as I’m concerned.
I was lukewarm on the first (is the Director’s cut very different?) but I quite enjoyed the second one.
It’s got boobies.
And Princess Irulan has a bigger part.
Actually the biggest difference is watching it without commercials.
I really liked the Dune they did, better than the David Lynch-turned-Alan Smithy version. Strange, as I tend to be a big Lynch fan. I haven’t seen this yet. Heh, even screamed at the wife to turn it off one night, as she was surfing and decided she wanted to watch the last 30 minutes of it. I will pick it up at Blockbuster 8)