China Shoots Down Satellite

Yeah, as long as they keep blowing shit up in space and not us, that’s fine. Maybe it’ll even lead to advances in propulsion and spacecraft construction.

Yeah, that’s what the people of Nepal and Tibet think, too. Plus the slave laborers and the political prisoners.

Wow, I wasn’t expecting a Quark reference when I clicked on this thread!

I hardly think any American can claim moral superiority after what the US has done to Iraq.

I wasn’t aware we were taking slaves in Iraq…

This is probably extremely stupid of me since I my intention is to have a decent discussion as opposed to getting involved in a flame war.

Is the ownership of slaves the definitive action that defines whether a country is “evil” or not as you’re suggesting?

The unfortunate fact is that the US actively takees political prisoners in its War Against Terror. What do you think the the prisoners scattered around secret CIA detention facilities throughout the world or even what the prisoners at Guantanamo (sp?) Bay are?

The unfortunate fact is that America is being run by an Evil Fuck at the moment. Am I, as a non-American supposed to trust America after the way your leaders lied to the entire world to justify invadding Iraq? Now, as the country decends into anarcy and civil war your leaders fiddle as Baghdad burns?

The rest of the world also watches as we see the US government turn on its own people and strip away your rights one by one.

All this isn’t really confidence inspiring stuff.

But enough thread derailing.

I still think it is amazing that it is possible to hit a 5 metre target travelling at 30 000km/h from 500km away.


I’m not a fan of the war in Iraq, and you won’t have any difficulty getting me to agree that Bush’s government has done evil things, but if you are going to claim that Iraq puts the U.S. on the moral footing of China, you need a lot better case to convince me. That was the gist of my comment. The government of China has a very long history of serious human rights abuses.

China owns our ass, remember that when you be buying some cheap disposable crap from Wal-Mart.

The moral high ground is surrounded by slippery slopes. We know China isn’t atop it but that doesn’t mean that we are by default.