Chinese Space Weirdness

Apparently the Taikonauts are going up loaded for bear.

The astronauts will be armed with a gun and knives in case the capsule comes down in hostile territory, a state-run newspaper said yesterday.

Sounds like the beginning to a bad FPS.

“You step out of your capsule, armed only with a pistol and knife…”

I also like their plans for a music video to accompany the launch.

May I suggest FUCKING USA!

Aren’t these guys supposed to be commies?

“Stay away from our 1960’s-era technology!”

“We’re not sure exactly where it will come down. In all of our test runs, the capsule bounced off the sky. It must be some sort of moving sphere encasing the planet.”

“We must be armed in case we accidentally land on Mars, and are attacked by the giant reptiles that probably live there.”

I think the Mercury astronauts went up with a gun, actually. Same reasoning.

Oh, you’re laughing now, but what will you do in 20 years when they get the MECHAS???

Haha. Here we go again.

I’m a one-trick pony.