Christmas Haul 2020

I owe a huge thank you to @Tin_Wisdom and @Tman for giving me this idea! This year my big Christmas present for the family (aka myself) was a crokinole board. I got us a steamed beech and cherry board from Woodestic in Hungary and it’s a total beaut and I love it.

We didn’t have enough time to learn the rules and scoring, but we got the basics and had fun flicking the discs around and getting a feel for the game. And the gliss powder. We will be playing more tomorrow!

My wife got me some stupid clip-on Peloton shoes so I can maybe ride the Peloton bike she bought herself for Christmas.

She also got me a whiskey set with spherical ice cube molds and, as a matter of fact, I am trying it out right now! I’ve gotta say, always thought these were a little silly, but it makes a real difference not melting too fast or touching my lips when I sip. I like it.