Chromebook troubleshooting

A Chromebook my church uses apparently prompted someone with an error last week when they tried to log in—allegedly. I don’t know for certain that the error appeared while logging in, I don’t know if the Chromebook was asleep or powered off or what, so I can’t confirm the circumstances with much certainty.

I do have this picture they texted me:

Again, I can’t confirm exactly what they did, when they called me for help I suggested restarting it, they said they did already, they tried again and it worked.

I have the Chromebook with me now, I’ve booted it up, restarted it, updated ChromeOS, and haven’t run into any problems.

Anyone with any experience with Chromebooks have any thoughts? I know it’s a long shot with basically no info and nothing I can replicate, just trying to think of anything I can do to make sure it’s running well to the best of my ability so no one’s left in a lurch on a Sunday morning.

I’ve been responsible for the care and feeding of Chromebooks for a few years now over at the Refugee Education Center, and we occasionally see those kinds of weird errors. I’ve never found anything I can do to actually fix those problems - either you reboot and they go away, or not. My suspicion is that they pop up when there’s a glitch in the internal flash memory, but replacing that isn’t feasible…easier and often cheaper to just buy a new Chromebook. In my experience, there are two kinds…those that pop up once and you never see them again, and those that gradually start to appear more and more often until the device is pretty much bricked. Hope yours is the first type!

Thanks, that’s my hope too.

Also found and ran the CPU and Memory diagnostics just now, both came back clear, no idea how comprehensive those are, but at least I’ve tried.

I also supported a collection of Chromebooks for our synagogue, and my experience was the same as ineffablebob’s – most of the time the problems just go away, but when they don’t, it’s easier and cheaper to just replace the Chromebook than figure out the hardware component that’s dying (and it appears to always be hardware, rather than software!)