
Chronicle won the weekend BO with $22 million. So if it was a $10 million movie, that’s a huge success. That said, I can’t wait to see it.

Oh, it’s absolutely a huge success. And it’s also pretty good!


EDIT: BTW, it’s not as successful as some of its other found footage cousins, such as Cloverfield, Paranormal Activity, and even that Devil Inside thing from last month.

I agree with you. In the age of digital cinema, there is no reason all movies can’t be released worldwide on the same day. Especially a movie like this, where advertising on the internet(with worldwide reach) is enough to reach the target audience. It’s not like this kind of movie is going to live or die on tv or print advertising.

I just chalk it up to businessmen, who are conservative by definition, not wanting to change to the new way of doing things. They are going to change only after being dragged kicking and screaming all the way.

85% Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes, found footage movie, looks like it is set in my home town… I’ll see it. But only if one of the superheros is named Chronic-Man.

I can honestly say that Chronicle is the best movie I’ve seen in theaters this year.

Really liked it. I hadn’t even heard about it until a few days ago when I checked RottenTomatoes to see what was out. That plus not recognizing any actors is always refreshing to me.

Although the main character (Andrew) looked a lot like a younger Leonardo Dicaprio… almost uncanny at times, I thought.

Edit: The writer has an AMA going on Reddit.

Now that’s just mean.


Saw it tonight, and was pleasantly surprised.

Did anyone else familiar with it get the feeling that the last act heavily referenced Alan Moore’s “Miracleman: Book 3” with Andrew playing the part of Bates (right down to the climax)?



Well… yeah.

You might be right in this case, but the logic doesn’t always generalise. Up was released in the UK (pretty big as overseas markets go, and a very big movie) five months after the US. In that case, I think the reason given/speculated was coinciding with school half term.

I didn’t say I didn’t like it; quite the contrary, in fact. I spent the rest of the day thinking about the movie and wondering what I’d do if I had similar abilities. I really enjoyed it, and I’m already looking forward to the DVD (hopefully with commentary).

I know, I was just joshing you. Saying a movie that comes out in early February is the best thing you’ve seen in theaters all year is usually pretty faint praise. And, FWIW, I would agree with you if I hadn’t liked The Grey so much. So I’ll just go on record as saying Chronicle is the 2nd best thing I’ve seen in theaters all year!


Just saw this tonight and really enjoyed it. For a cast of unknowns (to me, anyway), the performances were great, and the story and the way it was told was engaging. Having been bullied in junior high, I’ll always have a soft spot and empathy for turning worms.

Watching this made me want to see the movie about 100 times more.

The Death and Return of Superman - Max Landis

Wasn’t this the podcast flick for last week?

This is the second movie I’ve seem in as many weeks that caught me off guard in exceeding my expectations.

It was the movie podcast subject, yes. I haven’t seen if the episode has posted yet (I am assuming it was delayed because Tom insisted they watch the Superbowl Sunday evening instead of recording the podcast).

Unfortunately, this week’s movie podcast was the victim of flawed planning. :( Which is a shame, since I think we were all pretty eager to talk about Chronicle for various reasons. We’ll probably talk a bit about it next week on the Safehouse podcast. Take that, Denzel!


Flawed planning? I thought Kelly called it his pecker. (this is a line from Tremors)

Any missed Qt3 movie podcast is a sad day, but I was especially looking forward to hearing Chronicle discussed.

I find this term offensive!