Cities: Skylines is a piping hot bowl of SimCity comfort food

What Missing Features?

They've never said that modder's need to do anything to "fix" their game. Modders have jumped in themselves to do things because they enjoy it.

They've just released a patch that "fixes" the majority of issues that people were having after release and before release they released 5 patches for issues and corner cases identified by Let's Players and Reviewers.

False. They still exist. They only shut down one of the studios. The one responsible for Simcity and Spore. I believe it was Emeryville Studio.

is it another troll review about how much he hate city building games?

from reading prior posts also about simcity, this guy needs his own dev studio making him and only him a city builder game.

lets call it - Cities Toms: hubris

You're right, my mistake. I didn't realize there were other Maxis studios.

Good review with nice information, however I would point out the one feature of the game that to me, make sit stand out above those that came before. The ability for players to actively mod and create content. This is a huge huge thing. It means that once you've explored whatever buildings the game maker gave you, you can go out and add thousands more for amazing variation that will make your city fresh and interesting for a long time. Further, gameplay mods that are already coming out address a lot of the issues such as adding in disasters, taking you down to street level, introducing weather, day/night cycles and more. Finally there are mods that could very well add in scenarios and other goal oriented forms of play. Your points were valid and well thought out, but what I think is the big point is that its unlike other games, particularly EA games, in which there's something you think could have been done differently or better or things you wish had been done, well tough. You're stuck with what they gave you and that's the end of the conversation until the next release where they may address your issues, ignore them or make something even worse. No, because of the ability to mod, if there's something you think could be better, go find a mod that addresses it and if you can't find it and have the skills, go make one yourself!

Giving players the ability to take the base game and customize it to be what they want for it to be adds tremendous gameplay hours and value. It's one of the reasons I suspect that Skyrim held a price over $30 for several years, while competing games generally drop to a fraction of its release price within a year. The lesson that EA needs to learn is that rather than being overly proprietary and controlling and stripping out basic features just to sell them back to you in an expansion, that letting players create huge amounts of game play for themselves will help the game hold its value...and as Skyrim demonstrated, the publisher can still make a ton of money with its own DLC's and expansion packs as well IF they are well thought out.

Anyway, to me this game has a lot of potential. Your article was well balanced, giving the good (which there seems to be a lot of in this game) and the bad (most of which seems like it can be addressed via mods). Lastly, if you want to solve the traffic problem in LA, I would bet money there will be a lifelike LA map coming soon. You can see if those roundabouts would have helped things or not (might I suggest one at Santa Monica and Wilshire).

Can't always please everyone.

This is the worst review site I've ever seen.

And that includes IGN.

chirpy is awsome he just needs more messages and maybe a bit more toning it down and the ability to mute him if we don't want to hear the sound

They're being annoyed. Roundabouts are very irritating.

How long have you worked for IGN?

thanks for your kind donation to the team. They are doing their best also the game is quite new. Even maxis didn't roll out updates that quick. Understand that it's work and they are doing their best. The purpose of mods is to customize the game to our liking and it is a good idea if we want it but they can't tailor the game to one persons wishes they have to make it for everyone.

I find it annoying when a team doesn't get credit they deserve now I'm not saying they're perfect and the game shouldn't be touched but let's be serious.

I love the traffic part of it because I think it's important in a city. I live in a city with huge traffic problems so overcomming them is kind of fun.

Although I agree the rest would need more work especially with the economy

round abouts are awesome when you get used to it.

that's the only real star I would see it loose though. No endgame and replayability.

mutinng chirpys sounds, new messages and relaxing the amount of chirping would be a huge benefit. I hate him. He chirps every minute and it always becomes the same messgaes.

he actually put quite a positive note in most of it. I think he put the 60% for attention. Thankfully I have adblock

No, they're annoying.

For one thing, turning in circles is one of the more unpleasant aspects of driving (and running... one of the reasons I never run on indoor tracks)

There's a mod for that. :) I don't remember where exactly, but it eliminates those repetitive chirps about the extended vacation, lost wallets, cats being saved by fire detectors, etc. (Oh, and the dead person next door.)

Really, that one about the extended vacation speaks to the low crime rate. In how many cities could people advertise where their house key is, then come back to find all their belongings intact? :)

I know it`s just boring that it`s always the same

I guess when you want to call attention to yourself you go out of the way making a mockery of yourself.