City Builder / Colony Manager General Discussion Thread

I’m not sure (I don’t use a laptop), but looking at the store specs, it looks like it should.

Love the premise, dislike the graphics. I hope the game in action looks better than those awful stylized 3d pixel graphics screenshots.

Then we shall give it a go. Thanks for the recommendation @Tman.

There’s a demo for this on Steam as part of the festival:

That looks pretty good. You know, watching it, It occurred to me that these games were the first ‘factory’ games. Instead of machines or conveyor belts, you had people and workshops.

Agreed. I always lump in Factorio-style games with Caesar III-style games because they “feel” the same to me, despite their cosmetic differences. And love them all.

Also a demo for this! Run a space agency!

Thread: Mars Horizon

The demo tutorial does a pretty terrible job of explaining the UI, which itself is fairly obtuse at the moment, if attractive. It even says right click when it means left click throughout. If anyone figures out how to make bazaars work, let me know.

Yeah this demo is not selling the game very well… at all. I’ll keep an eye on it though.

Encountered a similar problem, which for me was that Bazaars don’t seem to collect and distribute the fish. Solved the food problem, so that I could evolve my houses further, by building some farms along the river in the allowed spots. So ended up with a granary full of useless fish in the end, guessing the fish thing is a bug.

Since bricks take more than just clay to be produced, you need straw as well, I needed to farm some grains anyway. So problem kind of solved itself naturally for me, before I noticed what the underlying issues were.

Yes, that was my problem too. Not helped by the fact that the bazaar has two different options for each item, one labelled “collect” and one labelled “gather”, with no explanation for what either does and no clear indication which setting for each is on and which is off. I’m guessing it’s off when the light is off, but the light is red, so? Buildings also seem to have two different power toggles, with no explanation.

At least the first mission can be completed and has a bit of substance to it, if a bit buggy and in need of better tutorialising.

The second, recently added, mission is definitely rather more… Well I’m not sure even “proof of concept” covers it correctly. You get to take a gander a whole different map set in the desert of the Sinai Peninsular and mess around with some turquoise mining. Other than that though there isn’t really much to do in second map currently due to the scenario’s design, and the mission victory conditions aren’t functional for me so no amount of mining or shrine building will help me fulfill the goals. The Police Station building that you get access to with the second scenario doesn’t seem to work yet either.

Given the current early 2021 date listed on the store page, I sure hope they have more a bunch more done behind the scenes than the Prologue\Demo is showing off currently. Looks good though, I’ll certainly give it that.

Steam is doing a sale just for us!

Did Universim get good then?

Hmm…I don’t know if this counts as a city builder, or what it is really:

But I am intrigued.

Anyone know if any of the games in the sale are especially worthwhile?

I’ve been looking for two days and might look a little on my not a real weekend weekend for more but so far… all I can see are EA titles I am sort of interested in or titles I’ve already passed on for various reasons. The EA stuff, well EA Builders of Egypt soured me pretty good on that title, so I am hesitant to enter this type of game too early in.

Thanks. If you end up pulling the trigger, please do report back.

Just a friendly thread bump to let everyone know Endzone AWP is good and at the least should be wishlisted. :)

Look at the level of detail and city complexity!

Forum thread here :