Hmm I can add the leader pass to my cart for Zero dollars, but I can’t check out.
That might be a freebie for all. I had him too, and did not have 2K account. I have added and linked a 2K account but so far nothing extra.
Maybe. Its supposed to be only “free” after linking to a 2K account per the announcement.
Well, he was there before I created my 2K account. OTOH, I didn’t launch Civ6 with Julie until after linking so maybe he would not have been available for selection without linking.
Cool, huh? It effectively means you can’t play CIV6 offline.
You can bypass the 2k launcher in Steam. Just google for instructions.
If you add the free leaderpass to the cart and then also add something not free, you can check out and get it. I just picked some game that was less than 50 cents.
So, this is what you’ll want to see in Steam if you don’t have the Anthology but have all DLC:
Once you add that free Anthology to your account, and then reload the DLC page, you’ll see this:
You’ll get the DLC for free, but you have to convert your collection to an Anthology before it’ll be free. Hope that helps.
I have tried clicking on the “Add to Account” but it just gives an error message.
I can’t even launch the game because the menu buttons don’t line up with where the mouse pointer is, and since you have to hit “confirm” when making any changes, I can’t make changes, because that would require my mouse to be 2” below the bottom of the screen.
I was just coming here to post that. Worked for me.
It was erroring for me yesterday in the similar way that @Equisilus was showing how to add. But I can now add to my account today, so I think you’ll find that it is either been fixed, or progressively being fixed
It worked today for me, got it for free.
I tried it now, and it worked. Added to my library.
The Great Commanders includes:
Ieyasu Tokugawa
Nader Shah
Suleiman the Magnificent
I bypassed that launcher so long ago i forgot it even existed.
All this Civ 7 hype got me to go fire up Civ 6. Two games in and it is so, so good. So refined, so many little game mechanics.
I started a large archipelago map on emperor difficulty. Big island start, shared with Teddy Roosevelt who kept to himself. Focused on expansion and not on military, but built up around 1200 gold just in case I needed to fund a war and buy some units. Iron was limited as it was located in a City State, and I was fighting with Roosevelt for suzerain to gain access. Dammit need more envoys.
Around the turn to C.E. (year 0) Queen Victoria invaded hard! Guess I was distracted. Not only that she was several turns ahead in tech, her man-at-arms units destroyed my swordsmen. I spent my reserve and hung on for a bit but but she took my desert city. Then another front was opened back on the main island, dammit. I actually offered peace and ceded the desert city. Did another 30-40 turns but was exploring her coast and she was way ahead. Hmm, thought about pushing on as late game wars and espionage can be fun when you’re behind, but decided to start over.
Archipelago on King difficulty - I want it to be fun not stressful. China this time. alone on the island. Barbarians actually giving me a hard time, even at this low difficulty. Finally got them under control - how far back am I compared to other civs?
I imagine I might be playing this when the opening months of Civ VII has issues? Who knows. Not stopping me from pre-ordering.
Welp, King difficulty was trending too easy, felt myself pulling too far ahead. Won’t someone put up a fight?
New game back on Emperor, this time large map, wetlands. Wetlands, as I’ll be playing Vietnam, who I haven’t really tried before but is very unique:
The Vietnamese civilization ability is Nine Dragon River Delta , which restricts land specialty District placement to Rainforest, Marsh, and Woods tiles but causes their buildings to yield extra Science, Production, or Culture, depending on the type of features they are on. They can also plant Woods with Medieval Faires instead of Conservation. Their unique unit is the Voi Chiến (which replaces the Crossbowman), and their unique District is the Thành (which replaces the Encampment).
I think emperor is the best difficulty level - can quite easily lose and is a real challenge in a lot of games. Ignore the military and you will get invaded, ignore buildings and production / research fall behind. Towards end game often forced to try and curtail other civs upcoming victory (religious or cultural). Cities should specialize based on their geography rather than build it all. Governors matter and their promotions make interesting little debates. Reyna - worth promoting up to build gold? Or Liang who can help with amenities. Spies can make a difference too as some civs will have tech worth stealing.
Anyway, looks like an interesting map. I judged the plains hills too far away to make a run for it, so settled here on 2nd turn to take advantage of the forests. Will see how it goes.