Cliffksi and the Pirates

Just what I’d expect a pod person to say!

Searching the thread for “Woo” gave no result…

Having a glance at the first page, I must say I enjoyed reading Derek Smart’s posts on PlanetCrap a few years ago. Sure, he’s got a VERY big ego and likes to insult, but at his heart, he’s an interesting guy.

I mixed it up with this thread. I guess Germans like to role play in Arcania.

listen man, just because there are many noobs who also use these “tools” and they come across blacklisting frequently and read the gcw forums doesn’t make them experts. for people in the know blacklisting crops up as often (but usually much much less) as it would patches for games. ergo when a patch is released you would need to hunt for a new crack that cracks the patched game which is a newer game and almost always updates the copy protection version as well. so then that is the same for a person using an image. they too have to get a newer image mounter. at the end of the day it’s the same thing. so they both have to do some extra “work”. and in fact finding a new crack might take longer then it takes to have a “fix” implemented in dt lite et al. also depending on the game and it’s age/popularity a new crack may take a long time or never be made. but if you have an image then you are set forever. and since all those programs i mentioned are legal and/or at least even in your crazy eyes, from legit companies in usa/germany/taiwan etc they will see upgrades. just read all the whining bitches comments at gcw et al (public forums) after a new patch is released begging for new cracks and shit. then usually their posts are closed due to “forum rule #6” which states, if my memory serves me right, that people shouldn’t ask for cracks. in fact read all their shitty, stupid, idiotic posts about how cracks don’t work or that they work until a certain point in the game… etc… (it’s fact in their zeal to be 1st many cracks are rushed and therefore the games never played to completion. which means drm triggers later on recheck the disc and find a non legit copy and thus trigger a response. at that time you using cracks are fucked. me with my image am not.)

also blacklists are moot once a new version of dt lite et al is out. therefore with time, your whole games catalogue will work without ever having to “piss fart” around. keep telling yourself whatever you want to believe. in the meantime every game i have is imaged from original discs. every game i have works without a problem. as of today, to be specific, using dt lite v4.30.1, only as an example. so take any released game and it’s latest patch (as of today) and i can run it without blacklists or any issues. and that makes you and others angry. actually i hope cracks will die off because it’s the casual noobs like you that promote piracy on a mass scale, by using it to “get rid of the disc” or “disc swapping”. in fact the big companies have noticed this, and it’s one of the main reasons they are pushing online activation a la bioshock/mass effect/aitd and more to come.
whilst you may have had to wait for the crackers to fix the galaxy map “bug” in the mass effect crack, i was playing it like a dream using my image… but whatever… cracks rock and all that… maybe back in 98/99…

Not to rain on your parade of righteous indignation, but did you ever consider the possibility that it was the crack’s fault? It is not unheard of for cracks to have problems (which aren’t detected by the person writing the crack because they just fire up the game, and, if it starts, declares the crack “finished”)…

I don’t often support application of the Bammer, but in this case I vote to fire away. Giant poorly spelled walls of insulting piratical text are a nein nein.

The irony is that using such a term makes you a QT3 noob.

Also : shift key.

yes it could, i have it imaged, and yes my copy had used the same protection if it’s what i’m thinking of that you are thinking of. ring protech that was also used on some other games i have that also were imaged and work just dandy. ie: iron storm, robin hood: the legend of sherwood etc… wanadoo from france seemed to like it…

and your sarcastic end comment also proves that you know that with some features it works. i mean yeah, joe compaq may have alcohol and try a basic image profile and when it fails thinks it doesn’t work and spread missinformation. in the meantime i just select (since we’re mentioning alcohol specifically), the ringprotech+ profile and away i go. in less then 20 minutes… but you just keep raging…

To make a point on the OP: Isn’t an omnipresent characteristic of modern pirates that they each fabricate their own transparent morality that justifies their pirating, but that said morality is never actually enforced?

i.e. They say shit like “I only pirate games because they have copy protection” or “I only pirate games to try them out as a demo” or “I only pirate games that are unjustly expensive”, falsly implying that they’d buy the game if their arbitrary conditions are met?

Every pirate I’ve ever known in person, and I’ve known a lot, fits this mold. They always have some bullshit rightous-sounding (to them, anyway) condition that a game has to meet to justify a legal purchase. Yet even when games they like meet those conditions, there never buy.

It’s only when they’re not able to pirate the game for whatever reason, but they really want it, that they actually buy it. (Games with digital distribution only, games on consoles, MMO’s, the game is too new or obscure to have a crack, etc.)

Try this link…

That is probably the best capsule summary of pirate behavior I have ever seen. I’ll be, uh, borrowing that for the next time I get into a discussion on the topic…

yeah, so mind your own business… just cause i have an opinion… there are so many haters on here…

also, i haven’t even had a 1st resort let alone a last one…

FYI: I, alone, represent the views of Australia.

PS: God save the Queen!

I know I’m angry. Mario, you can console yourself knowing that I am so angry, I will not sleep for days, just fuming about how some Aussie is backing up his game, probably RIGHT THIS MINUTE. Man, does that get my goat. ARGH.

I’m going to wager at least ten quatloos that the piracy rate stays pretty much the same with or without DRM–which is still a point in the favor of doing away with it entirely.

Woah, yes, turning on an option that ignores errors to circumvent a copy protection based on errors is hard to figure out.

You are on the wrong board to brag about how you copied every game on this planet and claim copying a game is an art. Are you sure you’re not Chinese?

Disclaimer: No offense to Chinese intended. I love Chinese. Mmmmm, Chinese!

Despite my earlier statements about pirates being full of shit when they say why they don’t buy games, I fully applaud the steps Cliffski’s taken because they make the game more pleasant for the people who do pay for the game.

Honestly, for games the size of Cliffski’s, I’m have a hard time imagining that piracy seriously affects sales. Though I think it will earn him more good-will among his customer base, in a fashion similar to Stardock.

But for a company of, say, Blizzard’s size, I could easily see piracy displacing what would have been an awful lot of sales. It doesn’t surprise me that Blizzard is moving more toward digital distribution, acheivements (which requires a server-validated login), and online play, because those features all double as anti-piracy measures.

Blizzard’s (and for that matter, Valve/Steam’s) long-term approach is more about anti-piracy through positive features rather than negative features. And many of the excuses that people use in piracy-related activities (backups, playing w/o a disc, etc.) are all moot when you can re-download your game at any time and can play without a disc.

I hope this dewshbag sticks around, he’s really entertaining.

Could he provide any more evidence that he probably pirates most, if not all, of his games? The constant references to his legitimate copies seem almost defensive in nature, it’s like he’s a self-aware pirate thinking “oh shit I should probably tell these guys that I bought these games so it doesn’t look too obvious.”

To be fair in this forum you are attacked to be a pirate pretty fast once you show some knowledge or disagree with the developer side of things concerning that topic.
I myself just keep an eye out on the scene and releases there mostly out of personal curiosity and yet I always see the need to stress that I bought a legitimate copy of games to stop that “you are a stinking pirate” talk once I post that some uber-DRM game was cracked and released etc.

This doesn’t excuse the guy from needing to calm down and probably take some Valium as already suggested.

I understand why this forum is so anti-piracy consisting of a lot of industry people however and I decided to constrain myself and deal with the possible heat although I think industry people should also listen to the other side once in a while in their own interest (like Cliffski did).