Clinton Email Controversy

I’m with you. And I’ve said it would only bury her campaign if there’s an actual indictment. Everything else is fodder for the petty arguments we all do about politics.

Sure, go after them all. How about going after Cheney for his various misdeeds too.

What irks me is the coverage of how this was Clinton doing something nefarious that was totally unique to her. The howling over how terrible she is. But this kind of problem is not unique to her, and that is a damn important difference. What she did was not good, but it was a continuation of other not good things previous administrations were doing. So if this is worth getting mad over, it is worth digging deeper to see how far back this stuff goes, find out how and why, and how to move forward. Is there some systematic reason, other than people in power feeling unconstrained from consequence, for this type of behavior.

Because, lets be clear, the reason this is a story is because of Fox News. Were it a Republican there is no equivalent leftist national news source to come screaming like a pack of howler monkeys, whipping up a frenzy. Not with the same reach and impact.

And that’s a failure of news media in general. Not that I want them all to become like Fox, quite the opposite. But rather how many of them have become cowed, afraid to call out bullshit for fear of accusations of bias. Which monumentally tips things in favor of Republican propaganda, as Fox is the one driving this change. News media should constantly be challenging those in power, but Trump epitomizes how that doesn’t happen. Challenge him and he attacks you until you cave. It is ridiculous and absurd.

@ Tim: Well done to reduce this the argument to the absurd. <golf clap>

There was a good point about Mel Gibson recently that reminded me of something I think we all understand: when there’s visible evidence, the story becomes bigger. For example, if the Republicans hadn’t conveniently deleted all those private emails at the time, and the investigators had found classified information, then perhaps the coverage would have been similar. It’s a fairly new issue so the sample size isn’t very big.

Hey, be nice to them. There is at least internal consistency to their logic. I don’t have a problem with it.

Also, conservatives have always been the law and order type. That’s why there’s a frenzy. Liberals don’t care as much.

Fox News caters to an audience, that’s all.

Well obviously the person who said that was both brilliant and handsome. I kid. But I definitely stand by that, I just don’t know that applies here.

See I think the intentional deletion is evidence of some form of wrongdoing, though we will never know exactly what type. Had there been an operationally equivalent liberal news media to balance out Fox there certainly could have been traction there. Just keep hammering the deletion. Hell if it had been a Democrat who did that then Fox News would have done exactly that, evidence or proportionality be damned. And that’s what irks me. Fox sets the tenor of the discussion, bangs on on thin evidence and opinion, and the rest of the media placidly plays along to the song. There isn’t any real push back, and ‘mainstream’ media feels compelled to report on the story on the terms that Fox has set. Simply by reporting on it in the manner they do, they give it legitimacy, yet are unwilling to dig into the misdeeds of conservatives with the same fervor.

But you are correct on small sample sizes, not to mention the general unsophisticated understanding that the American public has for such things. To most people e-mails are some type of magic thing that you send, and appears on the other end, without any understanding of the process in between.

Then explain Trump who respects neither law nor order ;)

I feel for some of you guys bearing the constant weight of angst about Fox News, Congressional Repiblicans, and the impotent left that won’t pick fights the same way. And it seems like you all have Facebook feeds flooded with conservatives. That must be maddening.

I had to stop reading a few liberty-minded blogs because the factual issues they posted about were just too frustrating and upsetting. I’m a lot better off.

No, I think that’s a clear misrepresentation of the facts.
The reason this is a story is because the Secretary of State may have mishandled sensitive documents, and potentially even intentionally committed a felony in the name of convenience.

In the case of something like Benghazi, I think your statement could be correct, in that there were actual hearings and nothing came of them.

But in this case, until things are actually cleared as ok, there is an actual story there. It’s not merely a construct of the media.

Someone lives in a history-free bubble.

The liberal bogeymen can’t get me there!

This is America. . .the liberal boogeyman is everywhere.

Sorry, grammar foul. I was referring to the bogeymen that liberals are scared of. Like Craig with Fox News.

(But Tim, this is real!)

Scared, no. Annoyed, yes. And you would do well to note my ire isn’t exclusively at Fox, but also the media that has abandoned their post. Fox just gets the extra side eye for how dominant they are in their space, and how brazen they are with partisan lies.

Chris Christie just went after Hillary and the emails in the GOP debate.

Got booed.

AP is reporting that some emails won’t be released but they are too top secret.

AP also reporting that investigation is now looking if emails were classified when they were sent.

Rough headline for Clinton Campaign this close to Iowa.

Here’s the link.

I wish the FBI would hurry up so we don’t end up in an embarassing situation where Hillary gets arressted as an October surprise.

That’s one of the few scenarios where Trump can win a general.

Like I said, I will vote for an Indicted Hillary Clinton over Trump.

Same, but people in general will come out in droves to go against an arrested Presidential candidate.