Cold Case

Agreed, it spoils an otherwise excellent show that you immediately recognise the storyline as one your had recently seen tirelessly overcovered in the news. This has often irked me as I watched L&O.

The current actors just don´t have any personality that I find especially gripping. Bratt and Orbach, both worked for me. But the black guy, who I like just fine as a sidekick and Farino, do not seem enough. Matter of personal taste perhaps, but given that, theres little draw to watch the show although I do like the lawyers.

Show sounds interesting – adding it to the TiVo lineup, so it can pile up next to all the other shows I’m not watching since I’m too busy feeding my WoW addiction instead :-/

Although, to their credit, they don’t just replicate the case, they try to look at it from a different angle. But still.

The current actors just don´t have any personality that I find especially gripping. Bratt and Orbach, both worked for me. But the black guy, who I like just fine as a sidekick and Farino, do not seem enough.

We’ll see how the transition goes. We’ll be on our, what, fifth cop pairing? We had Greevey/Logan, Logan/Briscoe, Briscoe/Bratt, Briscoe/Green, Farina/Green. Farina I think was a direct attempt to maintain an appeal to the older demographic that liked Orbach. Logan/Briscoe is still my favorite partnership on that show. Bratt was a little too overwound, and Green just lacks personality all the way around.

Matter of personal taste perhaps, but given that, theres little draw to watch the show although I do like the lawyers.

Well, just found out that Elisabeth Rome, amazing hottie but horrible actress, is leaving the show. Good lord. SVU turns 'em over pretty quickly too.

What I find strange is that they use actors playing different characters from prior seasons as new cast members later – playing different characters. Orbach played a defense lawyer in one of the first two seasons, and the current ADA in SVU was on SVU as a criminal the season prior.

You forgot Logan/Cerreta (Paul Sorvino).

Oh, right, forgot about that. Man, that’s a lot. You know, I’m pretty certain I’ve seen almost every episode made (thanks to TiVO), but I don’t remember the episode where Logan leaves (he punched a politician or something). Presumably they could bring him back now, which would be huge for the series.

They brought back Logan for a 2-hour L&O movie (“Exile”). It didn’t really follow the typical L&O format. It was basically just him investigating a homicide so he could try and work his way back to his old job. (Logan had been exiled to work the lame ass Staten Island precinct.) Anyway, I forget how it ended.

Eh, The Wire is still far superior to pretty much all of those shows in their current incarnations.

— Alan

Well, yeah, but it’s not a “show”, it’s really a miniseries, so they can develop things quite a bit longer. And since all the dialog consists of random expletives strewn together, it’s definitely edgier. Oh, wait, sorry, I mean “edgier”.

Yo poot! FIVE OH!