First, the good news: As of today, we have new, publicly-accessible forums. Check 'em out here.

The not so good news: As of today, we will no longer be publishing regular articles, news or sending out a newsletter. The reasons for this are many and varied, but here are the highlights that went into the decision:
My exceptionally talented and skilled wife, Gail, who has been the glue that held this site together, has a new job in the Real World and I simply cannot do everything on my own.
The number of new combat sims on the horizon is so limited that producing a steady stream of combat simming articles is very difficult—not impossible, but more difficult and I’m finding that I’m forced to publish more non-combat simulation content than I feel comfortable with.
I have other business interests that require my attention.

Now, before anyone runs off declaring we’ve died and shut down, we haven’t. We are just going into suspended animation mode with regard to the flow of professionally written and published content. The site will remain online and people can still subscribe if they want to read our existing content. Anyone with a monthly, recurring subscription who wants to unsubscribe can do so here. Yearly subscriptions were discontinued as a subscription option months ago and are not refundable.

Also, before everyone gets too huffy, please understand the new, free forums are going to require community support through donations if it is going to stay online. So, if you are a current subscriber, I encourage you to make the new forums your new home for combat sim and strategy game info and let your current subscription remain as your way of keeping them online.

I am personally very excited about the new forums as they aren’t setup like any forum you’ve ever seen before in the combat simming and strategy gaming world. I do understand, however, that the thousands of subscribers who have come to enjoy our regular daily content may feel a tad bummed…fair enough, but we must do what we must do.

Lastly, if an individual or group is interested in acquiring this site, I am open to offers. Serious inquiries only. Use the new forums to get in touch with me via the private messaging system (my nickname is “Admin”).

Douglas Helmer

We’re not dead, we’re just resting.

I’ve heard that before, and the parrot stayed dead then.