Come guess this movie in the 2017 20:20 game!

The forty:


The Cute Kids Pose for Closeups Movie?

Freaky Friday in a Courtroom

I recognize kid #2 from …somewhere. Some kind of Disney-adjacent fare. Air Bud?

This is obviously The Cat From Outer Space.

Strangely, no one has guessed it yet.


Child Actors: The Movie

I’ll have a twenty up later tonight.





Heaven Help Us?

You can’t just randomly Google ‘Catholic movies’ guys.

Well it’s certainly not The Blues Brothers. Is it The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys?

It is none of those things.


I swear I’ve seen that little tow-headed boy in stuff.

Freaky Friday in a Courtroom 2: Inquisition!

Oh good lord. Let’s get this over with.

The eighty-whatever:

I actually had very little hope anybody would get this movie. I may be the only one who has seen it.


I think it’s called “You Lose: 4 Frames of Failure.”

One last guess, even though I think it’s wrong as the hairstyles are a little advanced for what might be a 1978 movie, but creepy kids in a Catholic-ish boarding school: is it The Omen 2: Damien?

So yeah. Looks like I lose this one.

These frames are from a 1998 movie called Wide Awake. This is the second feature from a director named M. Night Shyamalan. I watched it when preparing for a podcast of his most recent movie, Split.

This is no Split. It’s rather a silly, Hallmark Channel-level movie that leaves me utterly mystified at how he got this cast, and the funding and cast for the next feature he did. The one that got him an Academy Award nomination.

At any rate, @charmtrap go ahead and rack up this as a loss. I’ll have a new frame up by morning.


“Kids in uniforms don’t smile very much.”

At least nobody can accuse you of lacking diligence.