Come guess this movie in the 2017 20:20 game!

Boom, you got it!



Your go, @CraigM!

Ok, quick question, does the timer start with the studio logos, or with opening shot/ credits?

Basically if I screencap from Netflix do I use their clock, or subtract the studio logos/ production credits from the timer?

I think different people have their own opinions on when to start, but honestly, I don’t think anyone’s going to check your work. :)

Ha, touche.

No need to overcomplicate it…just use the clock and go to 20:20.

He’s an engineer (like me). We do that kind of thing all the time. Just saying.

Speaking of overcomplicating things… one was finding a movie you hadn’t done yet, the other was getting a screen capture due to technical limitations. Turns out that it wasn’t as easy as I thought.

Here’s the 20:20

I actually really like how the frames came out though, in composition and resolution. Not bad for a phone ;)

EDIT: it is hard for me when nobody guesses to not post a new frame. you guys are killing me ;)

If no guesses, new frame later tonight.

No guesses, hmm. Try the 40:40

Ip Man 3

It is not Ip Man 3

How about Ip Man 2?


(perfect, really, to your guess)



Take it away @Djscman

I thank Fortitudo for his guess. I knew it wasn’t Ip Man 1…

The next 20:20, for your perusal.

Because you knew that had been picked and I made efforts to ensure my choice was not on the list ;)

As for your movie… Robotech because that looks 80’s anime-ish.

Yes to I knew that you knew it had been picked.

No to Robotech being the movie. This selection is an actual movie, not a TV show cobbled together out of other TV shows.

Yes, it does look 80s anime-ish. Probably inspired by Robotech.

heh, well I wouldn’t know that. I said it looked like that, not that I have any real familiarity with such movies outside of Akira :D

Nothin’ wrong with that! (Hey, get a load of this guy, he isn’t an expert on anime!)

This 40:40 might give it all away.

Sailor Moon: The Movie?

That first shot reminds me of that anime laser disc game, which I think was all from Lupin. Dunno about the 2nd.

Er, unless I do. Guess I’ll have to wait a frame.

I like to imagine Kelly Wand, upon seeing that 40:40 frame, saying in the background “Jesus Christ… Jesus Christ”