Come guess this movie in the 2017 20:20 game!

That red hair, that broke free some memories from college.

Project A-Ko maybe?

Hey, looks like you do know some anime after all! It is Project A-ko, the “Scott Pilgrim vs. the World” of its day, awash with homages to and spoofs of that which came before, while being pretty darn funny and good on its own.

If no one had gotten it from the 40:40, which offered the A and the C of the principal characters, I doubt anyone would have remembered it from the last two frames.

Back to you in the studio, CraigM!

I blame my college roommates for that ;)

You’ve certainly got that right! At least for my part.

New 20:20

A Hijacking?

Not A Hijacking.

Captain Phillips?

Not Captain Phillips.

The Hunt for Red October? (I kind of doubt it, but I got nothing better)

It’s not correct, but I do love that guess.


Not Sniper either.

It came to me last night when we were playing a board game called End of the Line.

Is that Lord of War? I think that’s the ship where they repaint the name before the Coast Guard dudes (not actually Coast Guard I don’t think) show up.



80:80 (where I thought it would get guessed)

100:100 (which is a few seconds on either side of Bridget Moynahan looking rather upset)

120:120 (which was the dead giveaway shot)

Such a great film, and surprising it hadn’t been picked yet. And it was an Interpol working with customs that made them strike the flag and rename the ship, but close enough ;)

The board is yours @ChristienMurawski

What did you think of that game? I’ve only played it once but thought it was pretty fun. A friend of a friend of a friend of a friend designed it.

This was only my second time playing it, and it’s growing on me. I’m pretty game-dumb, so my learning curve even on a game like this, which isn’t very hard to teach, can be steep. I keep making mistakes in reading the law cards and some of the other cards, but that’s just the way my brain works. I need a few plays to really get it.

Last night was a good game. None of us really won–basically because I killed the wrong person!–but I really am enjoying playing the game. It’s a good mix of silly and dark.


What do you mean none of us really won? None of us won, period. We all lost. Dead. Kaput. Over. Finished. Wiped out. Do not pass go, do not collect $100, do not survive the apocalypse. There were exactly zero winners and all losers.

Well put. That’s pretty much the game in a nutshell, theming, gameplay, and all.


The new twenty:


That looks like a young Vin Diesel, so The Fast and The Furious?

I think you’re on to something.

A Man Apart?