Come guess this movie in the 2017 20:20 game!

No right guesses so far. Should I post the 40:40 or wait a bit longer?

13 hours? That seems like a reasonable amount of time for the 20:20. Onwards!

Ok then, the 40:40 it is.

After the Rain/ Ame Agaru?

Never seen personally, but I believe it was one of Kurosawa’s last projects. How I heard of it at least.


I’m so proud of you right now, Craig. Kind of, because you should watch the movie. ;)

It is indeed After the Rain (Ame Agaru), the very last Kurosawa project. The script is Kurosawa’s, but he died before the movie actually started filming. One of his assistants/pupils took the helm and created one of my favorite Kurosawa movies - it’s more personal and intimate than any of the Kurosawa movies I’ve watched, and all the richer because of that.

The 60:60:

The 80:80:

Your turn, @CraigM !

Ok, lets see how far this one goes

No idea which movie that is, but the guy in the left looks just like that flashback dog you posted in the “Great Like Experiment” thread. ;)

(sorry, couldn’t resist)

Heh, well I can promise that you have probably heard of it.

I’m glad there was no one else in my room when you posted that. I snorted. Loudly.

Blazing Saddles?

The 40:40



Which the 20:20 was only a few seconds from the easiest frame ever

Take it away @Jason_Levine

In what movie will you find this frame at the 20:20 mark?


Field of Dreams?

Neither of those. This 20 is pretty misleading. OTOH, the 80 and 100, if it gets that far, give it away.


Hah, I like this guess.

I like the guess too, but no.

Let’s put up the 40, since, even if it may not be very helpful, at least it isn’t misleading.